View Full Version : japanese culture and business practices

halloran parry
6th April 2002, 18:57
i am doing a graduation paper on the japanese culture and its influence on japanese business practices. if anyone could recommend resources on either or both of these topics, i would greatly appreciate it. i would also be interested in conducting online interviews with anyone who has experience in either of these areas.


Joseph Svinth
6th April 2002, 22:29
Check the business section of any bookstore that has a good Asian collection. This would include any university library having an Asian studies department. If that isn't convenient, then see the following links for lists of stores specializing in books on Asia.

* http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~ltanji/asianv.htm
* http://iias.leidenuniv.nl/gateway/institutional/booksell.html

Alternatively, check the business section of your public library. Usually this can be done online.

Finally, take a look through online booksellers such as Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. For example:

DeMente, Boye L. Japan’s Secret Weapon: The Kata Factor (Phoenix, AZ: Phoenix Books/Publishers, 1990)(US $24.50 used at Amazon.com)
-----. Japanese Etiquette & Ethics in Business (Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books, 5th edition, 1990)(US $11.96 new at Amazon.com)

P Goldsbury
7th April 2002, 01:28
I am head of a small department in my university graduate school specialising in what the Japanese call Œð?Šw, koushou-gaku, variously translated as negotiation or competitive/management communication. The way the Japanese do this is in business is clearly affected by numerous cultural factors and If you contact me privately at my university e-mail address (pagolds@hiroshima-u.ac.jp), I can perhaps help you.

Yours sincerely

P A Goldsbury,
Graduate School of Social Sciences,
Hiroshima University