View Full Version : paul chen restoration

8th May 2002, 04:13
I recently bought a paul chen Musashi. it didn't take long untill there was pock mark along the blade, and the oil was still on it. how did this happen, and how do I get rid of it with out destroying the blades luster??


9th May 2002, 18:43
Personally, I'd return it to whereever I got it and ask for a replacement. If you want to try to get the pockmarks out though, I suggest you contact Ted Tenold, a professional sword polisher. His e-mail is ted@legacyswords.com. If it has to be professionally polished, his reputation is excellent, although since I don't know what he would charge, I'm not sure if it would be worth it to you. He seems to be a very helpful gentleman, so perhaps he could offer some advice. I would suggest taking some pics of these pockmarks with a digital camera and including it in your e-mail so he could take a look at it.

Failing that, you might also ask this question on the sword polishing forum at Bugei (http://www.bugei.com). Once again, a picture in the post would give them an idea of how to approach fixing it. There seem to be some very knowledgable folk on that forum.

9th May 2002, 21:11
I'd suggest trying to use Flitz or Noxon if it's a surface mark. Flitz can be obtained at most gun stores or Auto supply stores *I think* as could Noxon. However, Bugei has a case and they'll sell a bottle or two to you if you have trouble finding Noxon. Noxon is easier on your blade and less abrasive than Flitz if you'd like to keep that luster and the pockmark isn't deep.

Ted would be the first to suggest that the pockmark wouldn't be worth the polish of your production blade. Hopefully these two suggestions will solve your problem. If anything, it'll neutralize it from growing or going deeper into the blade.

10th May 2002, 00:34
thank you so much for your help guys.. I will try the chemical first then if fails I will send it out to have polished. and you are right on the cost. I got it for a hell of a deal of $400. I am not crying over it, but I am a little frustrated of the idea that this happened. if the Sword cost me thousands? then I would freak out!!

again thank you for your input, and yes quite a few smart people..

Michael Youngblood