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9th June 2002, 01:50
What's the best verbal response to this fight picking technique?

Henrik Jonsson
9th June 2002, 02:33
Originally posted by Jonathan
What's the best verbal response to this fight picking technique?

In most cases than not, you're basically in a fight as soon
as you hear that phrase. I think there's no best verbal response,
but the only way to get out of this fight is non-verbal. Your
posture, eyes and facial expression must radiate "Here be Dragons"
for an attacker. I don't think any clever phrase will get
you out of it.

Me, being a yellabelly chickenshit, I mumble something fairly
loudly (but not aggressively) and try to walk away. The
mumbling might give you a "three steps towards the door" if
he's dumb enough to ask "What did you say?" or something. The
reason that I mumble loudly is that it might be interpreted
like I'm slightly off the bat and a tad crazy. And every
dime helps :-)

Darren Laur
9th June 2002, 05:47

Check out this thread:


The phrase you used is the start of an interview.

Strength and Honor

Darren laur
Integrated Street Combatives

9th June 2002, 09:44
What are you looking at?

a.) That's what I'm tryin to figure out..

b.) *smirk* Nothing..nothing at all.


Let the beatings begin!

Seriously though, I don't remember an instance(though I'm sure there probably was one) where I was asked this. I avoid staring at people. Just kind of use peripheral vision to keep tabs on what's going on around me. Most of the places I've lived, the stare itself is the 'fight picking technique', not the phrase in question.

Kit LeBlanc
9th June 2002, 14:38
To which you reply:

"I didn't know they stacked sh*t that high..."

9th June 2002, 16:40
How about "Im sorry, you look like an old friend":). Its a polite way to throw the ball back in there court without backing down. Turning your back or responding with smart mouthed reponses, both give to much away. In these types of situations its better to let the "other person" show there hand(intent)first. Unless you want to get some first hand street experience, then disregaurd my post and do the opposite.

Gregory Rogalsky
Rogalsky Combatives International

10th June 2002, 03:21
Originally posted by INFINOO
How about "Im sorry, you look like an old friend":). Its a polite way to throw the ball back in there court without backing down. Turning your back or responding with smart mouthed reponses, both give to much away. In these types of situations its better to let the "other person" show there hand(intent)first. Unless you want to get some first hand street experience, then disregaurd my post and do the opposite.

Gregory Rogalsky
Rogalsky Combatives International

Excellent respones! I want you as my next Assault Prevention instructor.

Mike Williams
10th June 2002, 08:44
Over here, "What are you looking at?" is a distant second in popularity to "Oi, you spilt my pint!"

Amazingly, I have heard both phrases more often than I care to remember.

What really annoys me is the limited repartee of the attacker. My most common response in those days* was: "Fer fuxake, can't you think of anything more original?" - if possible said while backing up / creating some space (or even better, moving so that the assailant was between me and one of my mates).

It really amazes me how many people, when being 'interviewed' in this way will move nose-to-nose with the agressor to trade insults for a bit. I'm also surprised by the relatively low number of headbutts I've seen.

(*most of my 'encounters' happened as a student in a northern town, with a big tradition of local vs. student hostility. As I get older and remember what I used to be like, I increasingly sympathise with the locals :) )



joe yang
10th June 2002, 12:33
While my GM expects us to win anytime we are assaulted physically, he is even more adamant we de-escalate every encounter we can, before it gets physical.

His formula response to any verbal challenge. "I'm sorry if I've offended you in anyway. There is no need for a confrontation. You are already the winner." Then leave. It's worked for me a couple times I think. OF course you never really know if you've avoided a fight, if the fight never happens.

10th June 2002, 19:48
Originally posted by Kit LeBlanc
To which you reply:

"I didn't know they stacked sh*t that high..."

You're a cop? You're joking, right?

Kit LeBlanc
11th June 2002, 12:12
Ohhh, you meant what do you say OUT LOUD.....

Generally on the job the reply to "What are you lookin' at?" is


I usually don't get this kind of crap, or get told things like "I'll beat your azz, b*tch!" until they are already in handcuffs. That's when they feel safe.

Otherwise, I've found that a simple, single nod right about the point that the eye contact starts to be too long works for me. It is an acknowledgement of "I see you/you see me" and at the same time it is subtle and, a saving grace, cool.

But ya gotta get it off BEFORE the "What are you lookin' at" comes out.

Mike Williams
11th June 2002, 12:17
Originally posted by Kit LeBlanc
But ya gotta get it off BEFORE the "What are you lookin' at" comes out.

LOL, that bought back another University memory. I took Karate for a couple of terms (too lazy to stick it out). One of the very few things I remember is the instructor telling us: "if someone comes up to you in the chip shop and says 'what are you looking at?', you should hit them on the 't' of 'what' " :D

These days I'd just opt for verbal de-escalation or legging it out of there.

