View Full Version : Cracked Rib?

sean bonner
8th August 2000, 19:14
I know this forum is no substitute for profesional medical advice and I'm just kind of waiting this out a few days to see what happens before I go spend the $$$ for a Doctor to look at it and tell me something I might already know. I'm wondering if anyone could give me symptomatic differences for a cracked rib (probably hairline) or just a deep bruise. As well as what the care for each would be. I've been told that, especially for a hairline cracked rib there's not much that can be done besides not doing anything to crack it further, and letting it be. Essentually what happened is that last Saturday at a seminar my training partner kind of "fell" knee first into my ribs and I've been in a good deal of pain since then. When I just walk around or sit or anything like that I don't feel a thing, but if I reach my arm up too high, take a very deep breath, sneeze, or lay down on my back it really hurts. and when I stop that it goes away very quickly. The people at the seminar who looked at it said it was just a buise and to just take it easy however I've had my share of bruises and hurt muscles in the past and this feels entirely different. It's much more precise and sharp, rather than the usual ache. I know, I know, I should go see a doctor but I'm just looking for anyone with knowledge on this or someone who'd had a similar injury to give me some advice. Thanks.

JD Porter
8th August 2000, 19:55
but if I ... take a very deep breath
I'll put a buck on cracked rib

Chad Bruttomesso
8th August 2000, 20:42
A few years ago I received a kick to the ribs that produced the same results you described. When I described my symptoms to the doctor (almost exactly what you said) he said "You should go and get an x-ray but I can almost guarantee that you cracked your rib/ribs". Basically, find those car keys and get to the doctor.

Best of luck.

8th August 2000, 21:22
The difference between a bad bruise and a cracked or separated rib is about six months before the latter heals. Get thyself to a doctor most quickly. Sometimes taping or a chest strap can relieve some of the discomfort. It's not worth the risk diagnosing your own injury.

8th August 2000, 22:00
As an aside, sounds very similar to when I pulled a muscle in my ribs (from coughing, no less, asthma and flu do NOT mix..!).
I'm not a medical professional by any stretch, but I see to recall that current wisdom was against strapping cracked ribs..?
Any Doctors out there who can let us know either way?
Hope you have good news whichever..

Crossed fingers,

Jerry O'Brien
9th August 2000, 01:21
Hello Mr Bonner:

Blunt trauma to the chest wall is common and occasionally can result in an uncomplicated rib fracture (cracked rib). The symptoms of which include, well-localized rib pain and tenderness, worsened by coughing, deep breathing and pressure. Frequently mild pressure over the area will produce a bony snap. Mild compression of the chest will produce pain at the fracture site.

A chest X-ray is advisable to exclude concomitant lung injury (pneumothorax & pulmonary contusion &/or pleural effusion). However the fracture itself is often not visualized on the common AP film. Additional X-rays (oblique views) are better but rarely necessary if the AP film is normal.

The focus of therapy is directed toward, pain relief and preservation of pulmonary function. Rib binding or strapping is not a good idea, as it often promotes atelectasis (under inflated lungs) which can predispose the patient to develop bronchitis or pneumonia. I usually recommend a non-narcotic analgesic and refraining from contact sports for 6 to 8 weeks. If it hurts to cough, then that’s too much pain. To maintain normal pulmonary function you need to cough and take deep breaths.

Get yourself checked.

Gerald M. O’Brien, MD FCCP (Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians)

[Edited by Jerry O'Brien on 08-08-2000 at 08:38 PM]

sean bonner
9th August 2000, 01:55
Thanks everyone. Very helpful.

JD Porter
9th August 2000, 12:04
but if I ... take a very deep breath
I'll put a buck on cracked rib

9th August 2000, 17:03

At the risk of carrying the flame into this thread... Before sending this poor soul off to undergo the highly invasive and "drastic" use of X-ray technology, shouldn't we, in all fairness, advise seeking the "professional" advice of some alternative practitioner?

What I do is, when I broke my ribs, I went and got my zoomies (x-rays) and had the M.D. confirm my self-diagnosis.
when my lower back hurts, I go see my D.C. (with the full concurrence of my M.D. by the way).


P.S. Put me down for $1.00 on the broken ribs. If we continue this wagering we'll have enough pay the bill no matter who you go to.

10th August 2000, 19:31
Since I've suffered through three cracked ribs in the past and one separated rib, I'll put three bucks on the cracked rib. You have my sympathy - I know the pain all too well. For me, some of the worst discomfort was just trying to get up out of bed in the morning :cry:. Still, see a doctor and best of luck on your recovery.


sean bonner
10th August 2000, 19:54
I went to a doctor and took som x-rays (which I'm still waiting to hear about) but he said that he thought that for sure it was a cracked rib too. All this essentually means not much because theres nothing he can do and it still hurts, and yes getting up out of bed is really bad. Thanks again for all your help

10th August 2000, 22:13
Okay, I withdraw the chest strap suggestion. C'mon, it's been nearly 30 years since I was a medic. I guess there have been some changes since then.


Get well soon.