View Full Version : Stances

22nd July 2002, 10:23

Doug and others made some nice points in follow up to questions on
Bo lenght in the thread below. I would like to get a discussion going concerning the use of stances. Obviously the size and dimentions of the weapon are just one aspect of the art and I would submit that the stance, particulary the transition from one stance to another, is also very much key. As I have a strong Matsumura influence in my Shorinryu background my stance is often higher than my instructors would like to see. I am working on becoming more fluid in slightly lower stances. I would submit however that the height of the stance is less of an issue as the ability to transition from one stance to another with the lower center of gravity. If you want to see if you are doing it wrong having a two meter leveling rod is a good way to find out. The use of the tanden while doing the techniques predicates having a good foundation and being able to transition from Nekko Ashi Dachi, to Shizen Dachi, to Zenkustu Dachi to Kubidachi to Kokutsu Dachi with grace, power, and ease.

I have recently been receiving more demanding corrections for bluring the lines between my stances and have been encouraged to do the proper stance as the kata requires. One of the pitfalls of training in issolation with only frequent trips to the Hombu to receive corrections is that poor habbits can be ingrained before they are corrected. If my difficulties can help anyone else avoid similar mistakes then at least some good will come from my struggle. As an interesting story I once was looking down at my stance to determine if I was doing it correctly and hit myself in the head with a Bo.

Other flailing type weapons are forgivable but a device made up of only one piece on which I had two hands....:rolleyes:

Yours in budo,

Tim Jurgens