View Full Version : Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai

4th September 2001, 10:34

I'm getting quite interested in trying Aikijujutsu out. Can anyone tell me what the Roppokai part is all about. Why DAITORYU AIKIJUJUTSU ROPPOKAI and not just DAITORYU AIKIJUJUTSU, what's soecial about this type of Aikijujutsu?

Which techniques are trained in Aikijujutsu? does it depend on the teacher or is it all the same?

Plz help. Thanks for your time

Jack L Rasmussen

5th September 2001, 04:24

Mr. Rasmussen wrote:

I'm getting quite interested in trying Aikijujutsu out. Can anyone tell me what the Roppokai part is all about. Why DAITORYU AIKIJUJUTSU ROPPOKAI and not just DAITORYU AIKIJUJUTSU, what's soecial about this type of Aikijujutsu?

I would recommend reading the book: Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu. You can get it at Aikido Journal (http://www.aikidojournal.com/catalog/productdetails.asp?id=DTR). The book gives an introduction to Daitoryu Aikijujutsu and also covers the different schools.

Use can also read some info about Roppokai at the Roppokai website (http://www.daitoryu-roppokai.org/)

Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai is headed by Seigo Okamoto, who's teacher was Kodo Horikawa (Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Kodokai). Horikawa's teacher was Sogaku Takeda, who was the modern source of Daitoryu Aikijujutsu.

The term "Daitoryu Aikijujutsu" denotes the style.
Roppokai is just the name of Okamoto's school of Daitoryu Aikijujutsu.

Not all Daitoryu Aikijujutsu is the same in terms of techniques, practice method etc., though the source is the same: Sogaku Takeda. Takeda apparently taught people differently.

Roppokai is known to resemble Kodokai techniques closely. Roppokai and Kodokai techniques looks differently than Mainline (http://www.daito-ryu.org/) techniques or Takumakai (http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~DE6S-UMI/) techniques. I think the underlying principles are the same though.

In my opinion every kind of Daitoryu Aikijujutsu (eg. Mainline, Takumakai, Kodokai, Roppokai etc.) is special :)
Roppokai seems to emphasize soft aiki techniques as opposed to more jujutsu-like techniques. Also Okamoto is known to teach the art openly.

If you're looking to try out Daitoryu Aikijujutsu I would suggest going to different schools (if possible) and look at their practice. Also look at the instructor. Is he/she the kind of instructor that you're looking for? The art may be great :) , but what about the instructor? Does the school have access to practice with the head (master) of the school? Also what are you looking for? Maybe you're just curious about what all the Daitoryu Aikijujutsu hype is about. Maybe you're looking for a new hobby, or maybe looking for selfdefence capabilities? Anyway it's good to know exactly what you're looking for. Happy hunting :)

Kim Johansen.

Brently Keen
5th September 2001, 04:49

Please email me if you would like more information, about Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai.

Brently Keen

Nathan Scott
5th September 2001, 21:05
[Post deleted by user]

Mark Jakabcsin
6th September 2001, 03:37
Nathan wrote: "Okamoto sensei split from the Kodokai, and has since been teaching what he learned from Horikawa sensei combined with his own innovations. "

I am not sure it is accurate to say that Okamoto Sensei 'split' from the Kodokai. During Okamoto Sensei's first visit to NC this topic was brought up and he clearly stated that he had received a letter of permission from Horikawa Sensei stating that he should start his own branch of Daito-ryu in Tokyo. This was approximately a year before Horikawa had passed away and when he (Horikawa) was in fine health. Okamoto Sensei did not actually start his own branch until after Horikawa S. death due to business obligations and his recent move to Tokyo. This is the
'verbal' story that Okamoto Sensei related to us, I have not seen the letter and since I don't read Japanese it wouldn't matter if I had. Take it for what it is worth.


6th September 2001, 10:08
Mr. Scott wrote:

I don't think it is fair or accurate to say that the Kodokai and Roppokai look the same, or are the same.

I agree that Roppokai and Kodokai are not the same, and that they use a different approach to the art.
But compared to Mainline and Takumakai, there certainly is a closer resemblance between Roppokai and Kodokai techniques.
I have seen seminar video tapes of both Roppokai and Kodokai, and my observation is based on that.

- Kim Johansen.

Nathan Scott
6th September 2001, 18:26
[Post deleted by user]

14th May 2002, 19:17
This image shows technique from a level of Indonesian Pentjak Silat called Tenaga Dalam. Assuming the technique is real and not faked, does this look like upper level aiki? If so, do you think it was developed by Indonesians independently or perhaps influenced somehow by Japanese occupation or guided perhaps by chinese martial arts principles?

Tim Soehner

Sorry about image size, I had to cut it down so it was of size to be uploaded

Brently Keen
14th May 2002, 20:06
It's difficult to say from a picture - especially without seeing the before and after - although there are some similarities there (in that picture).

Incidentally, Okamoto sensei has held Roppokai training camps in Indonesia (Bali if I recall correctly), I have seen pictures of silat practitioners and Roppokai members together following what I believe was a joint training session between the groups.

Roppokai members I talked to who were there were not all that impressed with the members of that particular silat group. But I have met some highly skilled silat practitioners who are very adept with knives - no aiki - but dangerous none-the-less.

Personally, I'm always suspicious of guys in funny hats though! ;)

Brently Keen

14th May 2002, 20:42
I am aware that Okamoto Sensei spent a little time in Bali. A good question is, do you think that the effects seen in the photo could have been produced based on a small amount of training in Indonesia. There is no official Roppokai Dojo in Indonesia and I don't believe Okamoto Sensei has been back since.

Tim Soehner

Brently Keen
14th May 2002, 22:06
A better question would be are the effects seen in the photo real?

Then if it can be shown that they are, are they then the same effects as Daito-ryu aiki (or are they simply similar)? And then again, if this silat practitioner is producing the same results/effects, then another important question would be 'HOW' is he producing those results/effects?

If he's accomplishing the the same results using silat, or some Chinese principles, then although he may be accomplishing the same ends (effects) he's not using the same means. In my experience, what is most unique about Daito-ryu aiki is not the ends, but the means - a specific set of ways of how one can accomplish those effects/ends.

If after all that, it is discovered that the silat practitioner is using the same means, then we could say he's using aiki - the next question would be how did he arrive at these means? Through independent discovery, or through some connection to Daito-ryu?

If these results are possible through the means of Daito-ryu aiki (& they are) then it is certainly possible that others may have - or will discover the same means. I personally just haven't seen evidence of it yet.

Similar questions could also be asked of the Russian "Systema" in my opinion. Some have assumed that it is "the same as" aikijujutsu - it does appear very similar in some of it's effects/results, and it also uses some very similar means apparently - yet there are also some distinctives - are the similarities the result of a common source and/or influence of one on the other, or simply independent discoveries of the same sort of means? I doubt we'll ever know with certainty.

With regard to photo all we can do is speculate. There's just not enough for us to draw any sort of conclusions.


22nd August 2002, 04:00

I have a few of the daito ryu demo tapes offered on the aikido journal site and was wondering if the roppokai were ever asked to demo at these events? The mainline, takumakai, kodokai, and even aikido did demos but the roppokai were absent from them. They were the anniverary demos honoring Takeda sensei. I was surprised that they were absent from the fun. Thanks.

Erin O'Neill

Nathan Scott
9th October 2002, 23:17
Since you are not getting any hits on this thread, I will offer a couple of possibilities:

1) Okamamoto Sensei declined enough times that the Roppokai is not approached anymore

2) Hosts of such commemorative enbukai tend to invite those groups that they are on good terms with and respect. In the case of Kondo Sensei, I don't know if he and Okamoto Sensei correspond at all, though they are both located in Tokyo.

3) Some/many of the other recognized branches of DR may not fully endorse the Roppokai as a branch of Daito ryu.

The mainline is continued by someone who received Menkyo Kaiden from the previous headmaster. The Takumakai was formed around someone who received Menkyo Kaiden from Takeda Sokaku. The Kodokai was founded by someone who received Menkyo Kaiden by Takeda Sokaku/Tokimune. The Sagawa dojo was founded by someone who had not received Menkyo Kaiden, but was a long time direct student of Takeda Sokaku and was well respected as a technician and extremely conservative with how he ran his dojo.

Okamoto Sensei did not receive Menkyo Kaiden from a previous headmaster of the mainline, or from Horikawa Sensei, who was the Menkyo Kaiden headmaster of the Kodokai branch However, Okamoto Sensei was a long time student (one of the longest) of Horikawa Sensei, and was one of a handful of Shihan in the Kodokai. In any event, this is one point that I've heard raised.

Another is that Okamoto Sensei is acknowledged as having added significant amounts of his own innovations to the art, but on the other hand, so had Sagawa Sensei.

Okamoto Sensei has also been critisized for teaching DR aiki openly, producing books and videos about DR aiki. While Kondo Sensei has also produced books and videos about DR (and has been critisized to a degree for it), he has been very selective in regards to what elements of the art are shown openly - showing mostly jujutsu.

Obviously, the whole issue is not black and white, and is quite subjective. I don't post the above with a negative spirit, these are just points that I've heard raised before over the years. The subject is of course quite complex, and there are at least several sides to a story like this. No offense to anyone is intended, and such politics do not take anything away anything from the level of ability Okamoto Sensei may have in the art. .

While I don't personally know why Okamoto Sensei has not participated in DR Commemorative demonstrations, I suspect it is for one of the above reasons.

Such a question is reasonable, and may as well be discussed (politely) here


11th October 2002, 10:18

Okamoto Sensei has also been critisized for teaching DR aiki openly, producing books and videos about DR aiki. While Kondo Sensei has also produced books and videos about DR (and has been critisized to a degree for it), he has been very selective in regards to what elements of the art are shown openly - showing mostly jujutsu.

I have several times come across the above statement.
It could seem as if Okamoto Sensei have become unpopular in some circles, because he choose to teach openly to outsiders.

In every on of those martial arts I have come across, there was a lot of politics involved. Some people seems to focus much about receiving recognition, others focus on enjoying their art.
I see no reason as to why Daito Ryu should be any different ;)


Kim Johansen.

Howard Popkin
14th June 2003, 11:37

One of my colleagues posted this, but I thought it needed clarification.

Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai - American Branches

Texas - Jose Lopez
Oregon - Desmond Harpster
New York - Howard Popkin

If you are looking for information about the Roppokai in the U.S., please privately e-mail one of those three representatives.

Our contact information can be found on the official Roppokai website - www.daitoryu-roppokai.org. Information about international branches is there as well.


Howard Popkin

Brently Keen
14th June 2003, 18:37

At this time, these three guys are it for Roppokai in the USA - I highly recommend any of these gentlemen as they are all great guys, and are each capable and knowledgable about DRAJJ Roppokai.

Please see my response to Desmonds post in Ana's thread Re: DR for fighting.


Brently Keen

12th February 2005, 13:18

Just a note for all the friends of Daito Ryu Roppokai.

At practice tonight, February 12th, there was a small announcement of Okamoto sensei's birthday on February 10th. He has reached the impressive and significant milestone of 80 years old. A small present was given to him by Kiyota san at the end of keiko tonight.

Okamoto sensei made a joke that now that he was 80 his birthdays are a time to pray (he crossed himself in the catholic manner). I was told that sensei met after keiko with some of his shihans for a celebratory party.

Sensei remains vigorous and extremely active traveling throughout Japan and the world teaching his Roppokai method of Daito Ryu.

And for all the friends of Roppokai please plan to attend the large celebration of Roppokai's anniversary on May 3rd in Tokyo.

Michael Rogers

18th February 2005, 12:30
Hi Mike

Good to hear that Okamoto Sensei is still active and has such a great sense of humor. I know I enjoyed his stories and the history behind Roppokai when he lasted visted us in Texas in 2004.

Our group in Houston will not be able to make the celebration in May. However, we heard from Jose that he will be back in Ft. Worth this year. Hope you can make it also. It was great catching up with you.

Thanks again for the update and give our regards and congratulations to Okamoto Sensei from the Houston Study Group.

Best Regards,

Jim Riviera
Houston, Texas

Howard Popkin
18th January 2006, 03:46

Okamoto Seigo Soshi of the Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai will be in the US in March.

For more information, please contact :

March 9-13, NY - Contact Howard Popkin - howardpopkin@yahoo.com
March 13-16, NC - Contact Tom Cohen - makoto333@iwon.com
March 16-20, TX - Contact Jose Lopez - bushido69@earthlink.net


Howard Popkin
New York Roppokai

Howard Popkin
30th January 2006, 16:50

For all those interested, we have just finished construction of our new dojo.

We installed a 4 inch foam spring floor under zebra tatami. I HIGHLY recommend it. Firm, yet very forgiving.

Please have a look at the pictures. We are very excited to be hosting Okamoto Sensei at our new dojo next month.


Thanks for looking !

Howard Popkin
New York Roppokai

30th January 2006, 20:02
Nice woodwork. Looks like a great place.

Arman Partamian

Howard Popkin
31st January 2006, 02:52

Thanks for the kind words. How is the training with Kondo Sensei Going ?

Please send Goss Sensei my regards.

Take care,

Howard Popkin

31st January 2006, 06:33

The dojo looks great, I cannot wait to see it in person and begin Roppokai training. See you soon!!!!!


31st January 2006, 14:39
Training is going well. I will certainly pass on your regards. I know a few of us were considering attending Okamoto Sensei's seminar (I can't make it, unfortunately). I'm sure someone will contact you about it (if they haven't already).

Arman Partamian

Howard Popkin
31st January 2006, 15:15

If anyone is interested, please have them contact me at howardpopkin@yahoo.com

Thanks again !


31st January 2006, 17:16
We installed a 4 inch foam spring floor under zebra tatami. I HIGHLY recommend it. Firm, yet very forgiving.

Very nice dojo

I'm familiar with sprung floors such as some judo clubs I trained at in Japan have. I'm familiar with zebra tatami but what is a 'foam spring floor'?

I've often wondered how dojos could afford 'sprung' floors unless they were 'sprung' with old tires. :)

I hope you enjoy many a pain-free landing on them.

Howard Popkin
31st January 2006, 21:35

We took two layers for 3/4 inch plywood and interlocked them so there were no seams. Then we put 4 inch squares of polyethelyne foam in a varied pattern every 8 inches. It's firm, but great amounts of give. The zebras are a little hard by themselves, but with this, it's perfect.

If have questions about how we did this, please e-mail.

Take care,

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
13th March 2006, 21:23

Okamoto Seigo, Soshi of the Roppokai just finished teaching in New York.

There were 25 members in attendance, including three from Boston, one from Rhode Island, one from Odense, Copenhagen, and one from Kyushu, Japan.

Sensei was in his usual outstanding form, throwing effortlessly for hours.

We would like to thank Sensei publicly for his teaching, support, and wisdom. Everyone had an excellent time and we all appreciate Sensei's untiring dedication to improve our understanding of Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai.

Arrigato Gozaimasu,

Howard Popkin
Jun Dairi Kyoju
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai

14th March 2006, 00:40
Sensei was in his usual outstanding form, throwing effortlessly for hours.

Howard, I've heard of Okamoto sensei for years. Does his "roppokai" have any relation (as far as you can determine) to the "six-direction-contradictory-power" concepts. I read once where he simply said it means up-down, forward-backward, left-right, like a cube. But he didn't say why that was especially important to him.


Howard Popkin
14th March 2006, 03:05

I'm not familiar with those concepts, sorry.

Take care,

Howard Popkin
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai

14th March 2006, 14:51
I'm not familiar with those concepts, sorry.

Thanks for getting back to me on that.

Does Okamoto sensei explain what 'roppo' means anywhere that you've seen?
Do you know what significance he attaches to those directions?

Thanks again.

14th March 2006, 18:51
Does Okamoto sensei explain what 'roppo' means anywhere that you've seen?
Do you know what significance he attaches to those directions?

In an interview (AJ?), he said it started as a reference to the swagger of young toughs in a KABUKI play. It also seems to refer to dice. He would be happy for more meanings to accrue, he says.

14th March 2006, 19:21
In an interview (AJ?), he said it started as a reference to the swagger of young toughs in a KABUKI play. It also seems to refer to dice. He would be happy for more meanings to accrue, he says.

Thanks, Don.

I think I did see a comment about the dice. Okamoto sensei is really phenomenal, isn't he?

Eric Spinelli
15th March 2006, 07:45
From http://www.aikidojournal.com/article.php?articleID=402 an interview with Seigo Okamoto Shihan (also published in Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu: Conversations with Daito-ryu Masters).

What is the origin of the name "Roppokai"?

Roppo can be understood in a variety of ways, such as the roppo of roppogumi [six groups of chivalrous young men who used to wander the city streets in the Edo period]. Or it can be equated with the roppo from the kabuki term roppo o fumu of Benkei [a priest of the early Kamakura period and a famous retainer of Yoshitsune Minamoto. Roppo o fumu means to make one's exit with bold gestures along the runway]. However, I usually compare roppo to gaming dice to describe techniques which can deal with any situation from any direction, top or bottom, front or back, right or left, like the faces of dice. But these techniques do not have square angles like dice but are round, forming six (roku) infinite circles. I am eager to get as many meanings as I can out of the term.

15th March 2006, 20:07
I think I did see a comment about the dice. Okamoto sensei is really phenomenal, isn't he?

Haven't trained with him. Trained with one of his students, though, and I found that excellent. Frankly, when I saw Okamoto's videos, I thought he was fake. I didn't write him off because both a friend who'd trained with him and none other than Stanley Pranin both spoke well of his technique. I was open, then to training with one of his students and get quite a lot out of it when we get together.

Sorry I missed the seminar.

19th March 2006, 01:30
The New york Roppokai would like to take this chance to publically congratulate Howard Popkin Sensei on his promotion to 4th Dan and Jun Dairi Kyoju . Popkin Sensei is the first American to receive this title from Okamoto Sensei of the Roppokai. We are thankful to him for his foresight in searching out Sensei some 10 years ago, and for speading his knowledge that he has acquired from Okamoto Sensei. We look forward many more years of training in the Roppokai.

The New York Roppokai

Jose Garrido
20th March 2006, 14:07
Congratulation to Howard!

This is a wonderful achievement for anyone that is training in a traditional art such as Daito-ryu.


Jose Garrido

21st March 2006, 19:34
Congratulations Sensei Popkin. This only makes me have a greater desire to meet and train with you in the future.

Howard Popkin
21st March 2006, 20:12

Thank you all for the kinds words. None of this would be possible without the dedication of Okamoto Sensei. Each time I practice with Okamoto Sensei I am reminded of what an honor it is to learn from him, but also that I am a perpetual student.

Thank you again for writing.

Best Wishes,

Howard Popkin
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai
New York Shibu

Howard Popkin
13th June 2006, 20:09

Okamoto Seigo Soshi of the Roppokai will be in the U.S. in August.

August 11,12,13 - New York
August 18,19,20 - Dallas

For more information, please contact :

Jose Lopez - Dallas - bushido69@earthlink.net
Howard Popkin - howardpopkin@yahoo.com

Thanks !

Howard Popkin
Jun Dairi Kyoju
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
14th August 2006, 05:53

The Members of the New York Roppokai would like to express our thanks to Okamoto Sensei who just completed a seminar in New York. As usual, Sensei's technique was brilliant.

Members were in attendance from New York, Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, and Rhode Island.

Congratulations to Mr. Don Belcher and Mr. Arthur Scheinhaus who received Okugi-Sandan/Hiden Mokuroku directly from Okamoto Sensei.

Next year the NY Roppokai will be celebrating its 10th anniversary. We are all looking forward to Sensei's return and that exciting day.

Thanks !
Howard Popkin
Jun Dairi Kyoju
NY Roppokai

25th August 2006, 04:59
This weekend was one of the most phenomenal times in my training history. I was privy to attend Okamoto Sensei's seminar in Fort Worth, Texas. This is the first time I have attended one of his seminars and it was great. I saw and felt techniques that would defy visual logic. I was sore for about 3 days afterward (lots and lots of ukemi), but it was great. His teaching was of excellent caliber and his personality was warm and inviting. Had the opportunity to spend some time with him pre and post training for 2 days. He is a wonderful, jovial man with a sense of humor to boot. It was like spending time with your Grandpa. I can only hope and pray that at the age of 81 I am able to move around on the mat as he does. It was so wonderful to be in the presence of a very humble Master who really knows his craft. Would like to hear of others experiences with Okamoto Sensei, if you care to post.
Picture 1- Okamoto Sensei presenting Jose Lopez Sensei his 4th Dan
Picture 2- Okamoto Sensei, Lopez Sensei and this writer
Picture 3- let the bodies hit the floor- Okamoto sensei's dog pile

25th August 2006, 15:27
Mr. Popkin:
I recently attended Okamoto Senseis Seminar in Fort Worth, Texas for the Texas Roppokai. We had people even drive in from as far as Santa Cruz, California, New Mexico, etc.His technique is truly brilliant and effortless, as you stated. Being on the recieving end of his Aiki was truly quite a learning experience. We were privy to see Jose Lopez recieve his 4th dan from Sensei. I am just a novice practitioner of DR but have been training in the arts for quite a while. My passion for Martial arts has been rekindled due to the study of this art. I can only imagine how much better it gets with time. For a guy who needs to get his hips replaced this art is a blessing. Posted some pictures in a seperate thread in this section.
yours in Budo
Rick Torres
Victoria, Texas - American Karate Institute
Houston DR study group under Jose Lopez

Howard Popkin
28th August 2006, 01:09
On behalf of the members of the NY Branch of the Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai would like to congratulate Jose Lopez on receiving his Yondan, Jun Dairi Kyoju. It is well deserved and earned. Lopez Sensei is an integral part in the American Roppokai team that keeps the art growing on this side of the world.

With any luck, Okamoto Sensei will live to be 180 years old and possibly then we will be able to absorb all the information he has to offer.

Congrats !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Brently Keen
30th August 2006, 23:55
I would like to extend my congratulations to both Mr. Howard Popkins and Jose Lopez on their recent promotions to Yondan jun kyoju dairi.

I met both of these fine individuals when they were first getting involved with Daito-ryu Roppokai, and count it a priveledge to have trained with them on various occasions. They have persevered in their training, and their accomplishments speak well of their dedication and commitment to the practice, promotion and advancement of the wonderful teachings of Okamoto sensei and the Roppokai branch of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu.

That the Roppokai has produced skilled practitioners like these gentlemen, and many others, is a testament of Okamoto sensei's great teaching ability.

As one of the first Americans to experience Okamoto sensei's unique technical genius and generous teaching (thanks to Don Angier's introduction back in 1992), and subsequently moving to Japan and then returning in 1994 to start the Santa Cruz Roppokai, having invited Okamoto sensei to the USA numerous times myself and tried to promote the Roppokai to the best of my ability for a number of years - and then having to step down from my active involvement for awhile, because of other obligations - it really pleases me to see gentlemen like Mr. Popkins, Mr. Lopez, & Mr. Harpster succeed in continuing to promote the art by inviting Okamoto sensei frequently to their schools and letting their students and others experience his wonderful techniques and generous spirit.

No doubt because of their efforts and the efforts of other Roppokai branches, along with Okamoto sensei's tireless commitment to transmitting the secrets of Daito-ryu to his deshi in Japan and around the world, the Roppokai is growing naturally.

I haven't posted much on these forums for a while - but I want everyone to know I respect these guys, their efforts, and their accomplishments - if you ever would like to experience Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai for yourself then check them out.

Omedeto gozaimashita!

Brently Keen

Howard Popkin
5th September 2006, 20:00

Howard Popkin
(Jun Dairi Kyoju/Yondan)
of the
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai

Will be conducting a FREE seminar on Sunday, September 24, 2006.

The class is FREE and open to all styles provided that you have knowledge of ukemi(falling). Reservations are necessary.
Time - 10:00 am - 2:00pm
The class will be held at:
NY Roppokai
Popkin-Brogna Self Defense Center
686 Dogwood Avenue
Franklin Square, NY 11010


Howard Popkin

5th November 2006, 15:33
I wish to congratulate Mark Frazier on his recent promotion to Nidan. He has earned it.

Mark is now also the Head Instructor at our newest location near Salem OR. You can reach him at thomasf5@hotmail.com

I plan to be at the Salem dojo about once a month and I also hope to open a new dojo this spring in Newport OR. If there is anyone on the central Oregon coast who is interested I can be reached at dtharpster@msn.com

Once again congrats Mark and good luck.

Desmond Harpster

6th November 2006, 15:24
Way to go guys!! I sure miss you guys...

Brently Keen
8th November 2006, 08:20

Brently Keen

29th December 2006, 04:00
I have begun training in AJJ and understand the lineage is

Sokaku Takeda.
Takeda Tokimune
Kodo Horikawa
Seigo Okamoto

Where can I find and track the lineage through the Daito-Ryu?


29th December 2006, 14:37

there will be people with much more knowledge posting but as a starter:

"Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu: Conversations with Daito-ryu Masters"


best regards,

29th December 2006, 15:33

there will be people with much more knowledge posting but as a starter:

"Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu: Conversations with Daito-ryu Masters"


best regards,

Thank you Bryan, I am training with a high ranking black belt who is a really good teacher and Sensei comes in from Tokyo twice a year to teach. It is really great and I am blessed to have found it. It is a small gem that most do not know about in my area. I am just curious though about the lineage, not checking up but really have become interested in AJJ history now.


Howard Popkin
4th January 2007, 21:19
Since 1980, Okamoto Seigo, Soshi of the Roppokai has been working tirelessly to make sure that the art of Daitoryu Aikijujutsu is passed successfully into the next generation, according to the wishes of Horikawa Kodo, Mejin, his teacher.

Due to his extreme efforts, the Roppokai has many successful branches outside of Japan. Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Russia, and many locations in the United States have flourishing branches thanks to Okamoto Sensei.

In February 1997, I went to Tokyo with the hopes of being accepted as a student and learning Daitoryu Aikijujutsu as taught by Okamoto Sensei. Over the last ten years, Okamoto Sensei has visited the New York Branch of the Roppokai over 20 times for extended training sessions to make sure that we understand not only the character and feeling of the technique, but the essence of Japanese Budo as well.

It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce the 10th Anniversary of the New York Branch of the Roppokai, with seminar and celebration being held Saturday, April 14, 2007 and Sunday, April 15, 2007.

Sensei will also be teaching seminars in North Carolina from Tuesday, April 17th until Thursday, April 19th, and in Texas on Saturday and Sunday, April 21st and 22nd. Reservations are mandatory for all seminars with Okamoto Sensei.

The Texas Branch of the Roppokai will be celebrating their 10th Anniversary in October of this year as well. For the members of the Roppokai and friends, this is a very exciting time.

For more information, please contact :

Texas - Jose Lopez - Yondan/Jun Dairi Kyoju - busido69@earthlink.net
North Carolina - Tom Cohen - Nidan - makoto333@iwon.com

Thank you very much !

Howard Popkin - Yondan/Jun Dairi Kyoju
New York Roppokai

Jose Garrido
4th January 2007, 23:21

Congrats on the 10 years and may you have many more. I hope that Okamoto sensei has a good time while he is here in the USA and I wish that you have some very successful seminars.

Real Daito-ryu is hard to find and should be preserved and passed down as it was taught to the Kaidens.

Jose Garrido

Howard Popkin
4th January 2007, 23:54
Mr. Garrido,

Thank you very much. It was a truly a pleasure meeting you earlier this year.

Kind regards,


Howard Popkin
5th January 2007, 10:37

Jose Lopez - bushido69@earthlink.net.

I was sleeping when I was typing.

Happy New Year !

Howard Popkin

Howard Popkin
8th January 2007, 00:26

To all interested parties:

The NY Roppokai is hosting seminars to prepare for Okamoto Sensei in April.

The classes are 4 hours.

Sunday, January 28 - 10:00 am - 2:00pm

Sunday March 18, 10:00 A.M. - 2:00pm

All are welcome(with knowledge of ukemi), but reservations are necessary.

Howard Popkin

Nathan Scott
17th January 2007, 20:22

Sokaku Takeda.
Takeda Tokimune
Kodo Horikawa
Seigo Okamoto

Actually, Takeda Tokimune is not in your lineage. Horikawa Kodo Sensei studied directly from Takeda Sokaku. Takeda Tokimune is most know for founding his own line of Aiki Budo. The only lineages that should include Takeda Tokimune is that of the former Seishinkai/Daitokan students, and that of Kondo Sensei's Shimbukan line.

There are many threads archived here that center on DR history. One thread is dedicated to the DR Keizu (lineage). You might try out the search function.


Cady Goldfield
17th January 2007, 23:14

For all those interested, we have just finished construction of our new dojo.

We installed a 4 inch foam spring floor under zebra tatami. I HIGHLY recommend it. Firm, yet very forgiving.

Please have a look at the pictures. We are very excited to be hosting Okamoto Sensei at our new dojo next month.


Thanks for looking !

Howard Popkin
New York Roppokai

Wow. Nice. Those mats must have folks popping back on their feet from the hardest ukemi. I thought I read that Mr. Okamoto will be at your dojo in April, too. Did I misread? But what a great way to "break in" the new mats and facility. Thanks for posting the photos so we can drool.

Howard Popkin
19th January 2007, 01:37

You did read that correctly. Okamoto Sensei will be in our dojo in April and October.

Okamoto Sensei has already been to the dojo many times, but he really likes coming here.

Thanks for the kind words.

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
30th January 2007, 17:45
To all interested parties,

Due to a scheduling conflict, Okamoto Sensei's seminars in the US in April will be postponed. I will post again as soon as I have exact dates.

Sorry for the confusion.

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

31st January 2007, 22:37
Well, I hope a seminar works out for later in the year, as I am planning on attending this one!!!!

Howard Popkin
8th February 2007, 23:19
To all interested parties,

Okamoto Sensei was supposed to be teaching in New York on April 14th and 15th. Unfortunatly, Sensei needed to re-schedule.

Since that time, I have received many emails stating that since many people had put the time aside, we should practice anyway. True shugyo, I was impressed.

That being the case, who am I to say no?

The New York Roppokai will be conducting an intensive training seminar, Saturday and Sunday, April 14th and 15th, 2007. The seminar will cost $35 for both days of training. Reservations and knowledge of ukemi(falling) are both necessary.

For more information, please contact:
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai - NY Shibu
C/O - Popkin-Brogna Self Defense Center
686 Dogwood Avenue
Franklin Square, NY 11010

Thanks again for all your positive e-mails !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

9th February 2007, 12:59
That is excellent! A true testament to yourself, the art and those wanting to train!


Howard Popkin
9th February 2007, 13:56
Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your kind words.

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
26th February 2007, 07:15

9 members of the New York Roppokai went to the Hombu dojo to practice with Okamoto Sensei and to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the NY branch, and Okamoto Sensei's Birthday.

A fantastic time was had by all. Okamoto Sensei is a kind and caring person, in addition to being a gifted martial artist.

We are waiting for confirmation of the dates for Sensei's return to the US.

As soon as they arrive, I will post them.

Thanks !
Howard Popkin
New York Roppokai

Howard Popkin
28th February 2007, 03:48

Okamoto Soshi has re-scheduled the USA seminars.

Okamoto Seigo Soshi of the Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai will be in the USA in August.

The confirmed dates are as follows:

August 3-7, California Roppokai
August 7-11, Texas Roppokai
August 11-16, New York Roppokai

Contact information:
California - Shawn Douglass - info@roppokai.org
Texas - Jose Lopez - bushido69@earthlink.net
New York - Howard Popkin - popkinbrogna@yahoo.com

Please contact the respective branches for exact dates and times of the seminars.

We are all looking forward to having Okamoto Sensei in the US again.

Thanks !

Howard Popkin
New York Roppokai

5th March 2007, 14:33

Are these seminars open to all styles and practitioners? Please advise?


Andrew De Luna

Howard Popkin
5th March 2007, 16:44

Please PM or e-mail me for more info.

Thanks !

Howard Popkin

Howard Popkin
15th March 2007, 17:47

The Popkin-Brogna Self Defense Center, the Home of the New York Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai, has a new website.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Thanks !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Jose Garrido
15th March 2007, 19:21

How about a link :-)

Jose Garrido

Howard Popkin
15th March 2007, 19:24

I'm not all that with it today :)


15th March 2007, 21:48
Sensei Popkin is the book you advertise on your site the same as the one published by Kitensha in 1999 ISBN4-7952-5067-7 ?

Howard Popkin
15th March 2007, 21:55

Thanks for writing. Yes, its the same book.

Take care,


16th March 2007, 00:22
Nice simple website design. Clean and colors look nice.
Regarding the introduction of the sensei. I'm not sure about aikkido, but traditionally I think the term sensei follows the person's name much as an honorific "san" would. So I think it should be written Smith sensei, or Michael sensei or whatever.
You might want to check on that just for consistancy.
Looks nice!

Howard Popkin
16th March 2007, 09:31

Sometimes we go back and forth between the Japanese and the English.

The people unfamiliar with the Japanese have a hard time putting the name first, but thanks, I appreciate the feedback !

Howard Popkin

Howard Popkin
28th March 2007, 02:22
Hello all,

Thanks for a great response to the April 14-15 seminar.

It will be a great time.

There are a few spots left, so please call or e-mail.

Thanks !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
6th April 2007, 13:06

Okamoto Seigo Soshi of the Daitoryu Roppokai will be in the US in August. Reservations are necessary. The dates have changed, slightly.

Aug 4 sat NY Seminar
Aug 5 sun NY Seminar
Aug 7 tue TX Seminar
Aug 8 wed TX seminar
Aug 11 sat CA seminar
Aug 12 sun CA Seminar

Contact information:
California - Shawn Douglass - info@roppokai.org
Texas - Jose Lopez - bushido69@earthlink.net
New York - Howard Popkin - popkinbrogna@yahoo.com

Thanks !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
9th May 2007, 18:12

In anticipation of Okamoto Sensei's arrival in August, we are having an intense 4 hour class on Saturday, June 2nd - 10:30am - 2:30pm.

All are welcome with knowledge of ukemi and a reservation.

If you are interested, please contact me at:

NY Roppokai
Popkin-Brogna Self Defense Center
686 Dogwood Avenue
Franklin Square, NY 11010

Thanks !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Mike Haftel
9th May 2007, 18:27
I sent you a message through your website.

Howard Popkin
9th May 2007, 19:54

I sent you an e-mail but my e-mail has been wacky.

Did you get it ?


Howard Popkin

Mike Haftel
9th May 2007, 23:40
Yep, I got it and sent you a reply.



Howard Popkin
5th June 2007, 23:34
Thank you to all who made it June 2nd for our extended training.

This class was a little smaller than usual, but all in attendance worked hard.

It was a really nice group.

Thanks again !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Mark Jakabcsin
6th June 2007, 12:12
I was fortunate to be in the area on business last weekend and attended the the June 2nd class. I have not seen Howard in over 7 years so it was good to catch up and train together. I know Howard has been training very hard with Okamoto Sensei for many years and his efforts are definitely paying off. Howard is a very skilled practioner of Roppokai and also an excellent teacher. His understanding of the techniques and ability to explain/teach the Roppokai techniques is top-notch. This can also be seen in many of his students, who are also skilled (always a good sign). For anyone interested in Roppokai DRAJJ I can recommend checking out Howard. Also he is hosting Okamoto Sensei twice more this year. The opportunity to train with someone of Okamoto's caliber simply does not happen very often and at 82 years of age there is no time like the present.

Take care,

Mark J.

Howard Popkin
6th June 2007, 12:50

Thanks for the kind words. I"m glad you enjoyed yourself.

It is very difficult to change gears so quickly and you did a very nice job.

Looking forward to training with you again !


6th June 2007, 14:43
Howard is a very skilled practioner of Roppokai and also an excellent teacher. His understanding of the techniques and ability to explain/teach the Roppokai techniques is top-notch.Yes. Very much my experience when Howard came to Boca Raton.

The subtlety of Roppokai technique is the Holy Grail that so many aikidoka search for. I've seldom seen it done so well, and never seen it taught so well.

I'll be there when Howard returns to Boca June 23-24 and I've told many of my friends around S. Fl. that they'd be missing something indeed if they didn't come.

Howard Popkin
6th June 2007, 16:01

You keep talking like this and I'm going to have to bribe you with more beer.

Thanks for the nice words Don !

See you soon,


Mike Haftel
1st July 2007, 21:33
I'm sorry I missed both the class in NY and the seminar in FL. Unforseen events keep taking precident.

But, I will be by your dojo in, in NY, before I leave for Japan. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet and train for a while!


5th July 2007, 13:17
I too have been struggling to make it to Howards neck of the woods. I just want to say that I truly appreciate Howard Popkins generous attitude and his willingness to work with people. It isn't often that you meet (or in my case, mearly talk on the phone with) a person such as Popkin Sensei. And from what I have heard his technique is top notch and I am honored to have been invited to train with someone of this calliber. I appreciate it Sensei and please keep in touch!!!!!

ps. August is looking fairly good right now, I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Howard Popkin
5th July 2007, 18:51
Thanks for the compliments.

Okamoto Sensei, and his seniors in Japan and Denmark, in my opinion are top notch.

I study and hope to catch a glimpse of their ability and their dedication and perseverance.

Okamoto Sensei will be here August 3,4,5.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Sensei again.

Take care all,


PS Happy 4th !

Howard Popkin
7th August 2007, 18:42

I wanted to thank everyone who participated in the Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Seminar with Okamoto Sensei this past weekend. Everyone who participated contributed to the fantastic atmosphere in the dojo.

Sensei was in his usual brilliant form.

For all those interested, Okamoto Sensei will be returning to New York on Tuesday, October 9th for another seminar. Sensei will also be going to Dallas and Charlotte during that trip as well.


Howard Popkin
Jun Dairi Kyoju
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai
NY Shibu

Howard Popkin
5th September 2007, 19:57
To all interested parties:

Okamoto Sensei will be in the US in October.

October 9,10,11 will be in Franklin Square, New York.

October 6,7 will be in Charlotte, North Carolina.

October 13,14 will be in Dallas, Texas.

For details, please contact :

NY - howardpopkin@yahoo.com
NC - makoto333@iwon.com
TX - bushido69@earthlink.net

Thanks !

Howard Popkin

Mark Jakabcsin
6th September 2007, 01:32
How old is Okamoto Sensei now? Point being for those that have said over the years they would like to meet and feel Okamoto Sensei's technique the best time is now. The list of folks that I waited to meet and no longer have the opportunity is longer than it should be. Shame on me for waiting.

Take care,

Mark J.

Howard Popkin
6th September 2007, 01:53

Good to hear from you.

Sensei is 82 and yes, he keeps getting better.

But to the point, I just got back from vallarta and the marlin fishing was awesome !

Take care,


Neil Yamamoto
6th September 2007, 04:41
Puerto Vallarta...

Smoked Marlin at La Palapa and No Name Cafe

Havana Club Rum, Pacifico Beers and lime on the Malecon

Oh, jeez, why did I leave PV and still do martial arts?

Howard Popkin
6th September 2007, 10:59
It gets worse..

We showed up at a club and this was going on..



Cady Goldfield
6th September 2007, 22:05
Ujena Bikini Jam and Roppokai in one thread? That's just wrong. :D

Howard Popkin
7th September 2007, 00:52

Sorry. Mark and I have talked fishing and I was away in Mexico last week. I literally stumbled on the bikini jam.

Wasn't my fault :)

Be well,


Mark Jakabcsin
7th September 2007, 12:31
Yes, yes, Howard and I talk fishing. Clearly this was not his fault.

I leave for Mexico tomorrow, thanks for the bikin.......ahhh fishing tip. I'll be sure to look out for those marlin. ;)


Cady Goldfield
7th September 2007, 19:46
Yes, yes, Howard and I talk fishing. Clearly this was not his fault.

I leave for Mexico tomorrow, thanks for the bikin.......ahhh fishing tip. I'll be sure to look out for those marlin. ;)


Apparently, marlin aren't all that's biting down in Puerta Vallarta!

Howard Popkin
7th September 2007, 23:35
Catchem up !

Mike Haftel
11th September 2007, 05:28
Howard, hello from Japan!

So far, I can't find any dojo in the area. You said you knew where there was one or two? I'm up in Oumu-cho, Monbetsu-gun, Hokkaido. Some close cities are Monbetsu, Asahikawa, Kitami, and Abashiri.

Sapporo is about a 4 hour drive, though.

Howard Popkin
11th September 2007, 10:58

Please e-mail me - howardpopkin@yahoo.com


Howard Popkin
7th October 2007, 01:26
To all interested parties,

I hope he isn't angry with me for posting this, but Ole Kingston from Denmark has informed me that he will be attending the seminar in NY with Okamoto Sensei.

It is always an honor when Sensei comes, but it is an additional bonus when Ole comes.

Ole is a true hero. He is the highest ranked non-Japanese in the Roppokai. If you don't know about Ole, please do a search about him on the net. Many things have been written about him, including a major motion picture in Japan a few years ago called "Aiki".

Thanks for reading !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
12th October 2007, 18:23
To all interested parties,

Okamoto Sensei was fantastic, as usual.

Everyone in attendance got to feel Sensei's aiki over and over.

Awesome softness.

We are all looking forward to seeing Sensei again next year.

I'll post when I have dates.

Thanks !

Howard Popkin

Howard Popkin
24th October 2007, 22:54
To all interested parties,

I would like to congratulate Dimitri Deglas and Joseph Brogna on their promotion to Okugi-sandan/Hiden Mokuroku. They received their promotions directly from Okamoto Sensei.

I have tremendous respect for these two gentlemen. Both are serious practitioners and very dedicated to their art, their dojo, and their classmates.

It is an honor to have both of them as members of my dojo.

Congratuations !

Howard Popkin
New York Roppokai

25th October 2007, 16:11
Yes. Congratulations and thanks for the hospitality and good training during the seminar. Really enjoyed it.

Howard Popkin
25th October 2007, 19:44

See you soon.


Jose Garrido
26th October 2007, 21:53
Congrats Guys,

Howard, I see that the group at the dojo is doing well. Congrats to you for having such a great group of guys.

Howard Popkin
17th November 2007, 12:36
To All Interested Parties:

The New York Roppokai holds intensive training sessions frequently.

They are a great way to introduce yourself to the Aikijujutsu and Jujutsu of the Roppokai.

Knowledge of Ukemi(falling and rolling) a must.

Reservations necessary, class size is limited.

The next few dates are :
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24,2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Class is from 11:00 am - 3:00pm. If there is interest, we usually grab lunch afterwards.

Thanks for reading!

Howard Popkin

Howard Popkin
17th November 2007, 14:50
Forgive me, but these classes are $10 each to cover the cost of the heat.

Thanks !
