View Full Version : when are haori worn?

29th August 2002, 18:27
When is it proper for a budoka to wear haori. I just saw footage of
japanese sensei wearing one in his dojo. Any info would be helpful.
Just trying to learn a bit more, it's always been just a keikogi for me. Thanks.

Erin O'Neill

Charles Mahan
29th August 2002, 19:35
In my very limited experience at a few MJER seminars, they are worn only briefly.

Typical scenario would be for the students to gather at the place of the seminar before the guest sensei's arrival. The sensei would arrive wearing a traditional montsuki, hakama, and a haori over that.

The Haori was then removed before workout began. It was treated kinda like a coat would be I suppose. Kinda like formalwear.

I'm sure someone else can give a more general guideline.