View Full Version : Hadaka Jime escapes?

30th August 2002, 16:52

I was wondering if some of you could shed some light on some possible escapes from Hadaka Jime (Rear embracing strangle or naked lock) *as a common example, Kodokan style, sitting or standing*.

I'm sure if any of you have been involved in a common scuffle or have witnessed a fight, this particular technique can be somewhat commonplace. Worse yet, when applied to the trachea, which is the most likely scenario at the hands of an untrained attacker, this can become a very dangerous situation, if even by accident.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,

Walt Jennings

Neil Hawkins
31st August 2002, 01:13

Unfortunately, if the strangle is appplied correctly there is no escape. What you have to do is prevent the attack in the first place.

1. Avoid situations that could develop into conflict.

2. Don't let the guy get behind you.

3. If he does get behind you use balance and body position to prevent him from applying the choke. Then use whatever tools you have in your arsenal to get out of it.

No one here can teach self defense over the Net, you need to take these questions to a qualified instructor and take the time to learn the techniques.

Finally, remember that there is no 'magic' solution, if you get into a fight be accept that you may lose.



Benjamin Peters
31st August 2002, 05:16
Finally, remember that there is no 'magic' solution, if you get into a fight be accept that you may lose.

This is a magic trick (solution?) some or all judo guys and even BJJ guys know.

In whatever variant, drop your chin to your chest and shrug your shoulders. This way your throat and carotids are not exposed. This will afford you the luxury of a little time. Keep moving! Sometimes you have to work around the arm because it's so stiff.

If you remain stagnant, the opponent will strike and usually use his other hand to lever from your forehead back, exposing the areas he needs to hurt you.

Remember, chin down, shoulders up, keep moving. Practice with a partner sneaking up behind or coming from the front. The reaction of chin drop and shoulder shrug is fast and is reliable in theory (and in play fights).

Neil Hawkins
31st August 2002, 07:51
To clarify my position, Benjamins' idea is not an 'escape' from hadaka jime it is a counter. Which like most of the Judo/BJJ counters is applied before the opponent gets the technique on in order to prevent him from applying it. The only counters that actually allow the opponent to get the technique on are against certain throws, where you use the momentum generated in the throw to enable the counter. Never wait for a strangle to be applied before trying to defend against it.

The variety of counters depend on how the attack is applied in the first place. But to contiue on with Benjamins' thoughts, to improve your chances even more, before dropping the chin and hunching the shoulders, try to turn in so you are at an angle to your opponent. This creates space and gives you more options to fight him off. This works especially well with moving attacks where your attacker tries to turn you into position for the strangle.

If your timing is good, you can also drop your weight, shoot one leg back, lean forward and turn your shoulders performing a tai otoshi. Sometimes you may have to sacrifice and go to the ground to break his grip, but don't stay there any longer than absolutely necessary. This can also be done from kneeling and is amongst the classic suwari waza.

But all of these are last ditch efforts and I would much prefer stopping him earlier or not getting into it in the first place.

3rd September 2002, 13:19
Hi all.
I agree with Neil...You do NOT want to ge into that position in the first place...However, escapes from Hadaka Jime are pretty dependant on the applier of the technique (Opponent).
If they place the head lowered to the side when choking as it is done in the Kodokan Judo style, the ears and hair become targets for either a slap, pull, or rip. Again, tucking the chin inwards and hunching affords a few seconds extra as does sinking (if you can)..Try to push your butt back into him at the same time as lowering yourself to keep him from getting a firm and close up ('Tied') lock on you. Slapping the ears can cause a rupture of the eardrum and would hurt and most important shock the opponent..The hair could then be wrenched over your head pulling the opponent over yourself.
As said before though...If the opponent has 'any' idea of fighting it would be hard to find the space enough to escape in time..Not impossible but too dependant on them...Don't let them get the lock.

4th September 2002, 01:24

* Drop Chin
* Pull the arms at the elbow points downwards
* Use pressure points where possible
* Use "Special" leverage
* Try and grab and break fingers where possible
* Try and grab hair / Go the eyes where possible
* Kick the shin even (if standing)
* Too many to list

PS What MA do you study ? Ask your teacher :D

In terms of JUDO - Comp rules you are essentially done for in the case
of this technique. But if real there are plenty of ways. Why I say done for is because the ref will call it if you look remotely in trouble and you may not get the time to get out.

The best use of this technique is to lay on your back and have the opponent in your front and wrap the legs around his body.
WHILE APPLYING THE CHOKE OF COURSE. This way it is harder to escape.



Chris Schimdt
4th September 2002, 14:15
if he hasn't quite got the forearm to your throat i'd say bite his arm like you'd bite an apple...swallowing the offending chunk is optional. hahahahaha