View Full Version : The make up of a lesson.

Steve Williams
13th September 2002, 22:20
Just wondering......

How do you structure your lessons.....

How much warm-up/stretching....

How much zazen (if any)....

How much Howa (if any)....

(Question mostly aimed at instructors)

tony leith
16th September 2002, 13:38
I should make clear at the outset that I'm only one of a number of people who instruct at the Glasgow dojo, with a fairly diverse range of teaching approaches and class styles, so these are merely my own opinions..

I tend to think that most people are best served by a reasonably structured approach to training, with some permutation of the standard warm up/kihon/chinkon/waza order. I think order is helpful for most people, and obviously the technical content of kempo is presented in the order it is for a reason, so syllabus content is important.

One fairly successful innovation we introduced to counbteract a tendency for instrcutors to do their own thing to the detriment of syllabus content was written class plans, which left instructors free either to follow or disregard the suggested kihon theme, but set a rotation through all the syllabus techniques. Chinkon and howa can be slotted in as appropriate, though given the Scottish climate and the necessity of keeping everybody warm/avoiding injury during the winter, at the beginning or end of training can be better than the middle.

Another thing that we've adopted as (fairly) standard practice is not doing static stretching during warm ups, as one of our number doing a sports science degree basically came back expressing mild horror at the likely cumulative effects on joint stability. As a rule that's left to the end of kihon, or the warm down at the end of training..

Tony Leith

Robert Liljeblad
18th September 2002, 08:14
Gassho Steve,

Bromma Shibu practice 3 times every week. A standard 2 hours practice session would look something like this:

5 minutes Chinkon
25 minutes warm-up/stretching (warm-up with martial arts related exercises)
30 minutes Kihon
45 minutes Jitsugi (Goho/Juho/Randori/Embu)
15 minutes (Intensity traning)

Once a week we try to have Howa about some Gakka subject.


20th September 2002, 13:58
Gassho Steve!

Here in Visby branch Sweden we have slightly changed method of training this year. Shorinjikempo Visby branch is a very small club with approximately 15 –20 members practicing. These students are graded from minarai to 4 dan and this makes it quite hard to follow the ordinary Shorinjikempo curriculum( we in Visby think). Therefore we have changed our method to the following:

5-10 minutes of chinkon at the beginning of every session.

50 minutes of basics
Firstly we believe that kihon must be understood from practicing complete basic techniques and not from theoretical knowledge from specific details of techniques. We prefer tenchiken 1-4 and complete techniques as uchi uke zuki and uwa uke geri in kihon instead of small parts of the same techniques like keri age and furiko zuki from kaisoku chudan gamae.

The second thing is we try to do is to put the basics together into various combinations on 1.mitts or in 2.sotaiform. The combinations we use are the offensive part of Tenchiken 1-4, tsukiten 1, 2, 3, keriten 3, furiten 2 and jun geri chi san. With mitts the purpose is to develop specific Shorinjikempo habits into the students repertoire and to develop specific attributes necessary to make their techniques work. Techniques without attributes like speed, power, explosiveness, timing or accuracy are useless as we all know. When the students can work fairly fluidly with for example uwa uke geri with a combination of the offensive part of tsukiten 3 on mitts they do the same thing in sotaiform. Now the students learn proper defensive movements and learn good fluid embuform and how to cooperate with their partner.

30 minutes
In jitsugi we follow this pedagogic thinking.
1. Understanding of the techniques basic components
2. Ability to coordinate different body parts to a seamless movement.
3. Ability to do the technique in personal highest speed.

We do the techniques from the purpose of the techniques. For example we study defenses against choku zuki one practice session and defenses against a grab on the inside of the wrist in jun the next study session. In this way a minarai and a sho dan easily can practice together. The minarai do Uchi uke zuki or gyaku gote and the sho dan student can do Kaishin zuki or ryu nage together perfectly.

Onyo ho
30 minutes
We do three different applications:
Goho randori
Juho randori
Goho and juho randori is the best tools to develop the timing of your techniques. We have developed different methods of learning the students proper randori but it would by difficult to explain it here.
Embu practice

Howa we do in very small portions almost every session. But the most important thing is to make the student to understand the philosophy through practice.

Johan Frendin
Visby Sweden