View Full Version : sword lengths

8th October 2002, 16:15
This may be a stupid question and I apologize if this is inappropriate for this forum, but I have found a site that sells replicas of swords used by famous swordsmen and to me the meausrements don't seem to add up. Here's the link:

Am I misunderstanding the measurements or do they seem a little large?

Thanks in advance

8th October 2002, 16:44
Total length with saya = 105 cm. Blade length = 93 cm. Tsuka length = 34 cm.

I guess it means that the blade (if measured as it ought to be) is 93 minus 34 - or 59 cm. Or perhaps 105 - 34 or 71 cm long, which is more likely. The weight (880 g) corresponds fairly well with my iaito, which is about 75 cm long.

They probably don't know how to properly specify the correct length.

9th October 2002, 02:50
Thanks for the help.
