View Full Version : on chi and meditation(controversial topic)

4th November 2002, 00:14
i would first like to begin by saying i do not mean to offend anyone by stating my opinions. i was wondering why so many people beleive chi is fake and the people who claim to have mastery of this ability are looked upon as hoaxes. have any of you actually bought one of their products and tried them. i have and it wasnt a money scam(no i am not a chi master just a chi enthusiast who thinks chi is interesting).Many people say it is phyically impossible to do these types of things, but they beleive it when they hear a woman lifts a truck off of her son or other much more far out things. I would like to issue a challenge to anyone. Go look up chi and bring me evidence that absolutely proves or disproves its existence. OK bring on the beating

chris abounayan

14th December 2002, 23:24
oh great its been over 3 months and nobodies posted now everyone thinks im crazy, and none of you even answered me with a positive or negative remark

13th February 2003, 04:25
i would just lik to say until recently they didnt beleive apeswere real or we could go into space or replace an organ.we have even cloned a person(well soon supposedly). so why cant it possible for chi to exist.Compared to all this it seems mediocre so just open your mind and discuss a reason

Gene Williams
22nd February 2003, 11:08
Hi Chris,
I think the problem you are dealing with is definitions. I believe that ki exists, but I do not believe it is magic, and I do not believe some of the ridiculous claims made (i.e.) no touch ko's, levitation,
etc. There is a difference between the 125 pound woman who lifts a car off her child and a senior martial artist who has developed "ki." There are physiological/biochemical explanations for both, but the explanations for the woman's feat are simpler. The ki we speak of in the martial arts is developed over years of deliberate, concentrated training. It is not something you call up as a party trick (now I'm gonna' show you my "ki" punch), but it is something that is there all time. Different people with the same training may manifest it in different ways. It is more like what I call building a strong spirit, but a strong spirit is only part of it. It is definitely not a supernatural ability, so if people claim that they are nuts. Now, you are very young. I do not think that "mixed martial arts" is the route to strong spirit or ki. You need to pick an art, preferably an orthodox one, and train in it for years (I mean double figures). Which art? Probably doesn't matter, but my opinion is that aikido or a karate ryu that stresses kata would be best. I do not practice aikido, but my experience with aikido people is that they begin to understand the rudiments of what ki is a little quicker than most arts. I hope this has been helpful. Gene

Orso Rosso
28th February 2003, 00:31
Originally posted by chrisdo14
i would just lik to say until recently they didnt beleive apeswere real or we could go into space or replace an organ.we have even cloned a person(well soon supposedly). so why cant it possible for chi to exist.Compared to all this it seems mediocre so just open your mind and discuss a reason

Back in India and Pakistan, we use mustard oil with salt mixed in to shine our teeth instantly. Just rub some on your grill and you get a pearly smile :D Here, they're still using those ungainly whitening strips that take weeks to show results. Oh well. They'll learn someday :rolleyes:

28th February 2003, 03:14
With all the hoo-ha about ki being this, or ki being that, it is simple the connection of body and mind into motion .... at least as far as martial arts training is concerned.

There are means for training the mind to bypass pain, or exhibit strength you never knew you were capable of, but in every case it is the mind controling thoughts or implanting thoughts to affect or induce you to show a physical motion.

What many people get wrong is the that the picture you plant in your mind is what the physical phenonmena is, but it is just the thought that helps your body connect to understand how to do the motion, or what you are queing it to do.

When some one uses Ki, it becomes the more efficient use of mind and body, and,. in a way, it is the channeling of energy because you are prompting you body to work in a manner that is not a normal manner you have used it, or a manner in which you use it in everyday life. When someone uses Ki, it is, in my opinion, the use of a higher brain function that will connect body and mind into motion.

I don't know a simpler way to explain it?

I do know that many people percieve it as energy flowing through the body unlike normal physical activity, and it might be tapping into the endorfins high of the higher brain functions that causes people to think it is an outside force giving them power, but this is pure speculatiion.

Use the tools of visualization. Use the tools that connect the mind to the body which give you strength, or block out pain, but realize you are using a tool when you key a thought to tell your body to make the physical motion happen.

This doesn't mean it is the wrong way to think, but eventually you will realize you are either fantasizing, or come to the conclusion that chi, and common meditation are a means to connect mind and body.

The benefit will be a healthier body, and a mind that is able to key reflexes better because it is not clogged with superfuous thoughts.