View Full Version : Mark Grove

4th January 2003, 17:04
After reading another post about Warrior Quest Int'l, I became curious if Mark Grove trained in the Genbukan, Bujinkan, etc..I am from the Denver area, and just wanted to know.

Jon Gillespie

Jason Chambers
4th January 2003, 21:39
Not to sound flip or anything, but Jon, why don't you ask him?


4th January 2003, 23:46
I have communicated with Mark for a while and could comfortably say no is the answer to your question. Though that may mean he is a "fake" I agree with Jason. You can email him directly. He will answer you. Mark is not a "supersoke" Not the way spoken of here.

5th January 2003, 06:49
Not to sound flip or anything ...

Well, thanks...apparently over the pond I missed out on this bit o' Queen's Anglish. But I figured it out...

Well I had to ask...It doesn't matter. I Personally don't care, but there is the "n" word again, thats why I ask.

(From A previous post: "I am thinking of inventing a new language, And I think that I will call it Spanish. It doesn't sound or speak like Spanish, but I will call it that...)

Jon Gillespie