View Full Version : How to self-discipline?

Abu Solu'man
9th January 2003, 07:30

I believe any type of martial art, Japanese or Chinese or any other art, no matter how hard it is, is not as hard compared to self-discipline.

I'd like to gather enough information regarding this subject from all of you, instructors and artist or even student who managed to have something as self-discipline. I hope who's reading will enlight us, since I believe not only me who is in need for this but many many of us.

For myself, I found setting a plan, recording progress and steps to be changed is one good method

The true power is power of the spirit

Omar Ibrahim

9th January 2003, 16:27
In the sense of "how you look at things". For a while, in a small class, I thought it was "my responsibility" to show up every week to support sensei and the school, to help reinforce the consistency. I HAD to go- not because i was SO IMPORTANT (;), but because I was obligated to sensei for what he has done for me.

Discipline doesn't only mean "commitment to training consisitently". But that is how I read your post. Another attutude I have adopted is that nothing else matters. The practice is first priority. When there is a conflict, it's my problem to solve or accept- but I'm going to class, or I'm going to train. Maybe that's why I don't have any friends?

9th January 2003, 18:36
I was born with a "good" self-discipline. If I start training a martial art, I'll go to training as often as possible, and I have done my best so far. The same with going to gym.The same with not drinking, smoking, eating empty calories or soft drinks, or candy or any of the sh!t the stores are full off. If I stop it, I stop it for good. But I'm not perfect. These days school takes a lot of time, and sometimes, although I don't like it, I have to set school before training -- I have all my life ahead of me to train, but about one more year and school is over for me. That's also a sort of self-discipline. Also, after a long week of work and lack of sleep, my work out might be less perfect than I expect it to be. My mind might wonder around. But I still try to do my best and I think that's the most important thing for anyone trying to reach self-discipline.

I agree with you, Ibrahim, that making a plan and sticking to it is a very good way, because the progress you make rewards you and helps you keep going. I set my standards higher and higher every time, although I know it's going to take a long time to reach it. But when you do, the feeling of satisfaction and the fact that you can once again set the standards higher...oh boy! There's nothing more satisfying than beating yourself! It's the same with Budo or any MA, you will never reach a final goal, but the important thing is to keep trying to perfect yourself; that's walking the way. It _will_ take years, hopefully your whole life -- but a life lived to the fullest. It shows a lot of character, and I have great respect for anyone who is willing to take the first step and keep going.

BTW, Steve. You do have friends, eg. us at E-Budo. Friends are a very important part of life; go meet new people, make new friends. There's always time for them. GO TO SCHOOL like you go to training! Don't make MAs your WHOLE life, but give your whole life to MAs ;)

One helluva long post once again, but hey, I'm not even close to perfect! :p


Lee Mc'pherson
23rd January 2003, 12:06
Apart from my MA training i have had military training where discipline was very strict. And i have come to the conclusion that self- discipline is nothing other than respect for ones self. It is a matter of taking pride in what you do and feeling good with what you have achieved. And altough there are a lot of ways of doing this i personally find that setting one goal - objective at a time and giving 110% to achieve that goal is the simplest and most effective way to self-discipline ones self.

Keep to the path that your heart tells you is right and push your self to excel in life as well as in any martial art for sel discipline is a way of life and is intergrated in evrything that you do.