View Full Version : Jukenjutsu

the Khazar Kid
28th August 2000, 21:35
How does Jukenjutsu compare to other systems of bayonet fighting? The "Modern American" style of bayonet fighting shown in both the USMC's LINE manuals and the Army Field Manual 21-150 Combatives appears to emphasize one kind of thrust, one kind of slash, and three kinds of buttstock strike, or a 40/60 ratio of blade/buttstock techniques. Does Jukenjutsu put more emphasis on the blade then American bayonet fighting?

Jesse Peters

the Khazar Kid
9th September 2000, 00:57
Does anyone here have more info on Jukendo or Jukenjutsu? Thank you!

Jesse Peters

Neil Hawkins
9th September 2000, 01:20
Sorry Jesse, but I don't know much about it. I believe that the Skoss's are involved, so maybe you want to ask down in the Jo or Koryu Forums. Aaron Fields asked a similar question down in Gendai Budo a while back that Meik responded to.

I have done both western (as taught to the military) and Philippino Bayonet fighting and I would take the Philippino any day. The primary difference is in the way they move, triangular steps, lots of deflect/strike using both the butt and the bayonet and continuous strikes to a variety of targets.

The western stuff was primarily stab or strike with the butt, there was little footwork and lacked the flowing style of the Arnis stuff. Though if I was facing someone with a bayonet fixed, no matter how they use it, its a scary weapon.

