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26th February 2003, 09:57
Last week I went on a short course on Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Although the focus was on academic education, I understood the principles to be applicable to any field of human excellence.
In summary, NLP attempts to code the way the brain and body perform by modelling things that excellent achievers do.
Has anyone ever investigated applying this to Taijutsu? Would it help with learning and developing the art?

26th February 2003, 13:24
I've been waiting for information on an NLP course in Wrexham for ages! I contacted this guy in response to an advert months ago, then out of the blue about 2 weeks ago, he phoned me on my mobile to say that the course was starting that evening, except the trainer was ill, so he would get back to me at a later date with updated info about the course. Haven't heard a thing since. I've been thinking about doing the courses either via ITS NLP (http://www.itsnlp.com) or the McKenna-Breen NLP courses (http://www.paulmckenna.com). The disadvantages though are that these courses are in London and I have no transport. And they are quite expensive, which is why I wanted to do the Wrexham course first, to see if I like it. The good thing about the Paul McKenna one though is that it's partly taught by Richard Bandler. Who better to learn from than the guy who invented it? :D

I've been interested in NLP for a couple of months and have read "Introduction to NLP", "Way of NLP" and and am currently reading through "NLP Workbook". It's fascinating stuff!

I try to apply the principles I'm learning in the books to all aspects of my life, and it fits quite well into training. My (Bujinkan) instructor has mentioned the four learning states (Unconscious Incompetence up to Unconscious Competence) on several occasions (although he hasn't ever mentioned "Mastery"!).

I think it would help students to learn the art, but it would also be very beneficial to instructors to help them teach the art in an even more effective manner.

Have you ever read any of the stuff by Paul Scheele? I.e. Photoreading or Natural Brilliance? I'm currently going through the Photoreading Personal Learning Course. Again, fascinating stuff!

26th February 2003, 14:53
Hi Braden.

Has anyone ever investigated applying this to Taijutsu?
.....Yeah. I think that that would be the prime motivation for getting a very good Sensei to train under. You learn from their good habits and if you get lucky they have no bad ones! Taikai also could allow you to take inspiration from higher ranked Shihan etc. but the basis should be from your own Sensei.
I think...

26th February 2003, 15:23
Darren Laur is certified in NLP, and whoile I don't think he has ANY background in ninpo, he claims some success in applying NLP to combatives training.

26th February 2003, 18:13

26th February 2003, 19:51

Darren Laur
28th February 2003, 04:36
Hypnosis, NLP, and the Combative Edge

I truly believe that Hypnosis and NLP it is going to be the next "nexus" in combative training. Let me explain

As trainers, we attempt to make the trained response the dominate response. How do we do this, by teaching gross motor skills and utilizing the training techniques of REPETITION. and scenario based training.

As a Certified Hypnotherapist CHt. ( My training was through a company called the “Meridian Institute, 180hrs of training, and my Certification is through the “International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association”), at my school I have not only been able to increase retention and usability of specific motor skills through Hypnosis and NLP techniques, but I have been able to decrease the amount of time needed to get the specific motor skill taught to be downloaded into the subconscious mind. What does this mean, when hypnosis is used with physical repetition, the amount of time needed to become unconsciously competent is decreased dramatically !!!! This is a training technique that both amateur and professional athletes have been using for years.

Traditionally, trainers have used lots of repetition to pound a specific motor skill through the conscious/ critical mind, and into the subconscious mind. Through hypnosis, we can take a motor skill program, and directly download it (by-passing the conscious/critical mind) into the subconscious. It must be understood however, that hypnosis is not an alternative to actual physical repetition, but when used in conjunction with repetition, hypnosis can greatly increase motor skill performance and warrior instinct !!!

Here is one way that I use hypnosis to increase motor skill performance:

Step #1:

New motor skill taught and chunked until student is consciously competent

Step #2:

Once student is consciously competent, induction into state of hypnosis where I now download program into subconscious.

Step #3:

Once Motor Skill program has been downloaded into subconscious, student is taken through a guided imagery session, where the motor skill taught is being utilized in a real world scenario.

Step #4:

Student is exited from hypnosis, and motor skill is again physically practiced. From my experience, you can usually see immediate results.

On average, depending upon the motor skill being learned, 6-12 sessions of hypnosis are utilized. A fellow police trainer has found for firearms training, an increase in performance can take place after only ONE session.

I also teach my students, to utilize self-guided imagery session, which only enhances and compounds the specific Motor Skill(s)

The science and art of hypnosis and NLP are two tools that all trainers should be utilizing with students. Like any tool, get professional training and certification first. Do your homework, there are a number of schools out there that advertise that they offer "certified hypnotherpist" and "NLP" training, but really don't, and only want to take your money. My CHt training was over 180hrs.

To my knowledge, there are only two individuals presently using hypnosis and NLP in combatives training, myself and a fellow police trainer by the name of Brian Willis. In fact, the FBI is so impressed with Brian's results, they have sent representatives from Quantico's physical training branch to look into what is being done by us Canadians.

Yes, Gross motor skills are easily learned through repetition, but with the inclusion of hypnosis and NLP, they are learned faster and in combative context. Remember, the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Through proper and professional guided imagery sessions (hypnosis), I can place my students in "any" combative situation where they are there in mind, body, and spirit. This is very powerful due to the 7 "P" principal of personal safety : "proper pre-planning prevents piss poor performance"

Hypnosis and motor skill performance enhancement is real. Both amateur and professional athletes have been using it for years ( I suggest you read a book called " The Mental Edge") Unfortunately, as a professional Hypnotherapist, I must fight the myths surrounding this topic because of what stage hypnotists do. I too was a non-believer until I was exposed to it. I'm a big believer in "don't tell me something is going to work, show me it is going to work" The results that I have seen, as well as other trainers, speak for themselves.

This is not Voodoo or sitting on a mountain to be enlightened. Hypnosis is both a science and art that CAN and WILL give a Combative Edge !!!!!

What is NLP ?, My short definition is:

Neuro: Brain

Linguistic: Language

Programming: Behavior

NLP is often referred to as the “Software for the Brain”, NLP is a model for being able to duplicate human excellence and learn new behavior at an accelerated pace (primarily through communication). NLP is first and foremost an attitude, an attitude of curiosity and methodology. In my opinion, NLP is a method for “Modeling” excellence. There are two major areas that NLP is famous for:

· Advanced strategies for communication/influence (this is what I do)
· Fast and effective models for creating behavioral change

What NLP really is, is a completely unique synthesis of cybernetics, neurology, and linguistics that offers a person practical methods for rapid personal improvement. Really, NLP is the science of using your brain, your language and your behavior to get what you want.

I guess the caveat here is to understand that there are many different schools of NLP, just as there a many different schools of psychology. Each has their own take on NLP. There is however cross pollination in all.

What I have taken form my NLP studies is that every brain has the same neurological wiring, but from the moment you are born, you and your environment begin to program it so that it is unique to you alone. There is no other brain in the world like yours. We take in information through our senses, and process this information in a way that is unique to each individual on the planet. In doing so, we create software programs that run on automatic until we learn a new program. Our brain relies on our senses to bring them information. We see, heart, touch, taste, and smell things in the world. Once we do this, these sensory experiences are turned into a picture, a sound, or a feeling on the inside of our minds. I call this the language of the subconscious.

NLP teaches that there are three basic ways that a person (read combative student) will learn. Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic. Although all three may overlap, one will be the “primary” language of the subconscious.

Characteristics Of Visual People:

Visuals understand what you say by what they see. They turns your words into pictures and images. Their minds work like view-masters or movie cameras and are happiest when you paint pictures for them. Visuals talk about seeing, how things appear, from a point of view.

Characteristics Of Auditory People:

Auditories are sound based people. They listen to how you say things. They get more information from how you say things that by what you show them. The paralinguistic cues (how you say what you say) are more important that your content. Their mind works like a jukebox or tape recorder. It plays back recordings to get an idea of what you are talking about.

Characteristics Of Kinesthetic People:

Kinesthetic people make decisions by how they feel rather than by what they see or hear. Their information comes predominantly from touch, feeling, emotions, gut instinct, hunches, and attitude more than what you say. They have a good kinesthetic memory and need to “feel it” before they trust you.

The language of the subconscious is very important for me to understand, because if I’m teaching a motor skill in a language that is not understood by my student(s) then learning is difficult or does not take place at all. This is where frustration can be seen in the student because in their words, “ they just aren’t getting it.” A good instructor will learn to listen to the student in order to pick up on their language of the subconscious. If a student is painting a picture using visual words, when speaking to that person, the instructor must paint them a picture as well. If the student is talking about how things sound or feel to them, the instructor should be speaking in similar terms. Thus, the listener receives the message that the instructor hears and understands them. This is a major step in increasing the degree of “rapport” and understanding between you the instructor and student. If you treat a visual student like a Kinesthetic, the visual student will have troubles understanding and therefore, frustration builds and learning is stunted. To the subconscious, you are speaking a language that it does not understand..

When teaching combatives in a group context, I always demonstrate the technique (communicate what I am doing) in ways to cover off all three communication styles; visual, auditory, kinesthetic for the above noted reasons. This is something that I have identified that many instructors do not do. Many instructors only teach in their own specific “sub-conscious“ language because that is how they learn and understand. These instructors do not know, because of lack of knowledge, that students “may” communicate/understand at a different level than their’s. Remember, not everyone learns/communicates the same way. When students break off to practice the skill, I will then adapt the “subconscious language” to meet their individual communication style. This is especially true if a student is having difficulty performing a specific motor skill, and needs help. This is how I primarily use NLP in combatives here at my school, or when I conduct seminars.

Other nuggets I use from NLP include:

Questions are more powerful than affirmations:

People who do affirmations are wasting their time because they are actually setting up internal conflicts that cause them to activate the opposite of what they want.. When people look into a mirror and say “ in every day and in every way, I am getting better and better”, a part of their mind comes back and says, “bull!” doesn’t it? It is just like if I told yu that you have a blue shirt on when you actually have a read one on ! I say “nice blue shirt” and you say, “it’s not blue, its red.” Then I say, :it’s blue”, and you say, “no it’s red”… we could go on like this forever…. which is exactly what happens for most people when they do affirmations.

Instead of engaging yourself in this confrontative struggle with yourself, you could begin to ask yourself questions instead. Questions will always get you an answer. Questions change what you are focused on. They get you to focus on either what is good about you, your environment or your behavior or what is bad. An affirmation in the form of a question is 300 to 400 times more effective and will literally train your brain to translate the affirmation into your behavior. Remember, the brain learns quickly to move in directions. Questions direct the mind. They divide experiences and lead our attention. Questions demand an answer. This is why I teach in a combative context to ask yourself the question, “am I threatened, or am I challenged” If you find yourself in a threatened mind set and stay there, you are in trouble, hypervigilance will set in. If on the other hand you get challenged, the training and the experience that you have can now deal with the threat at hand. By challenging the brain, even if you do not have the training or experience to deal with the situation at hand, the brain will begin to adapt, overcome, and improvise to get itself out of danger. (please see my posting on the use of FEAR for more details)

NLP also gave me an understanding semantics, and their deeper meaning:

· I never use the word “try” as an instructor. To the subconscious brain, try denoted “failure”. But how many times have you heard an instruct say, “just try it again.” Instead use “do it again”
· I never use the word “defender” ie attacker/defender. Defending denotes “defensive” mindset. I want “offensive” mind set in my students, so I always substitute defender with “fighter” ie Attacker/Fighter
· I never use wrong or right. ie “that is the wrong way to use that technique.” I always use desirable/less desirable. In the street, wrong will denote failure. Everything we do in combatives is desirable. Some techniques are more desirable than others.

Again, there are a number of differing schools when it comes to NLP. Each has their own take on what NLP can do, and where it can be used. I am only using NLP as an aid to increase motor skill performance through communication/understanding be it visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.

Yes, NLP and hypnotherapy have some commonality, but I do use them quite differently. I use hypnosis for the purpose of:

· Dropping a specific motor skill directly into the subconscious mind, thus decreasing the amount of time needed to learn the motor skill with repetition alone
· Anchoring specific stimulus/response techniques at the subconscious level
· Teaching guided imagery (visualization) using a three step process:

1. Visualize or imagine the accomplished goal or outcome
2. Make a movie of how you achieved this goal
3. Build a contingency plan (plan “B” abort technique should plan “A” fail)

In guided imagery ordinarily, the third step is what people do to program their mind for failure because they imagine everything going wrong, but not what they did to overcome it. Using this method of visualization, you program your mind for how to overcome adversity along the way if you encounter it. When you learn how to run your brain then a world of endless possibility and opportunity becomes available. This is especially important in combatives.


Strength and Honor

Darren Laur
Integrated Street Combatives

Darren Laur
28th February 2003, 04:38
An instructor once said (don't remember who, but very powerful statement); " If you can get them to talk, you can persuade them to walk". It has been my experience that if I can get a meaningful verbal interaction going between me and the threat, I will likely bring about a successful resolution to the situation. The "KEY" here is to get them to talk

It is my belief that the key skill in negotiation, during the pre-contact phase of a confrontation, is to dovetail outcomes. What do I mean by this ?, you need to fit the negotiation process together, so that everyone involved gets what they want. Obviously, the "presupposition" here is that the best way to achieve your outcome is to make sure that everyone involved achieves their's as well. In my opinion, if you can allow a person to "save face" it will allow for a win/win situation in the majority of cases.

Negotiation, however, is going to be different from person to person depending upon their specific "modality" of communication. If I'm attempting to de-escalate a situation verbally in the pre-contact phase, then I had better be communicating in a "modality" (language of the subconscious) that my threat(s) understand. Notice I said threat(s). In a multiple opponent situation, you may have to use a variety of modalities. I would, however, recommend that you target the language modality of the leader if possible, because he/she makes the call in a pack mentality. If you do not communicate in a modality understood by your threat, it will make the person technically "deaf" to your verbal attempts at de-escalation.

The Communication Language Of The Subconscious (modalities):

There are three primary communication modalities that we should be aware of; Visual, Auditory, kinesthetic (VAK):

1. Visuals:

Visuals understand what you say by what they see. Remember that these types of people turn words into pictures and images. Because of this fact, they understand communication best when it paints a picture for them. This type of communicator will say things like:

-"I wonder what you will look like once I'm through with you"
- "The look on your face shows me your scarred shitless"
- "When I'm done with you, you will look like ground beef"
- Usually have high pitched and/or strained tonality
- Will usually show quick bursts of words and generally have a fast tempo
- Predicates(words) for the visual include:

- Appear
- Disappear
- Foresee
- Imagine
- Overview
- Scope
- Vague
- Enlighten
- Wee
- Clear
- Show
- Watch
- Look

Phrases that visuals might use include:

- I see what you mean
- That's not clear to me
- Don't keep me in the dark
- Point out what you mean
- I am just seeing red
- Just give me the big picture
- Get a new perspective on this matter

These phrases could also be the template that you can work from when communicating with a Visual in the de-escalation stage.

2. Auditory

Auditories are sound based people. They get more information from how you say things than by what you show them. How you say what you say (paralinguistics) are more important than you content. Working like a tape recorder, Auditories play back recordings to get an idea of what you are saying.

- "I'm going to make you squeal like a stuck pig"¨
- " You cry and sound like a little baby"
- Will have clear resonant tonality
- Tempo will be even and rhythmic
- Predicates (words) used by the Auditory include:
- Whisper
- Babble
- Ringing
- Noisy
- Buzz
- Earshot
- Listen
- Sound
- Quiet

Auditory Phrases might include:

- I hear you loud and clear
- Don't give me any static on this
- It was music to my ears
- It was as clear as a bell
- It was all double talk
- Are we in tune with each other

Again, these phrases could be used as templates for you to use as well if dealing with an Auditory in the de-escalation phase

3. Kinesthetic

Kinesthetic make decisions by how they feel rather than by what they see or hear. Information comes predominately from touch, feeling, emotions, gut instincts more than from what you say. These types will get an instant feeling of like or dislike when around you. When they feel good about a situation, they will buy into it

- Kinesthetic talk about feelings in their communication. "I can't seen to handle this situation because it makes me feel so stressed" or " that person just rubs me the wrong way"

- this is going to make me feel so goodˇ¨
- Predicates (words) used include
- Feel
- Handle
- Firm
- Hard
- Soft
- Touch
- Catch poke
- Strike
- Hit
- Press
- Stumble through

- Kinesthetic phrases might include:
- I get the point
- I can't grasp it
- That strikes me right
- It hit me like a ton of bricks
- I need to back off
- He just rubs me the wrong way

Again, these phrases can be used as templates in the de-escalation phase

Once you understand communication modalities of the threat, now you can start modeling your communication style with their’s thus creating understanding and rapport. If someone is painting a picture using visual words, when speaking to that person, you should paint them a picture as well. If they are talking about how things sound or feel to them, speak in similar terms. Remember, if you treat a visual like a kinesthetic, the visual simply won’t respond. You have to be able to recognize this and shift into the modality that allows you to communicate more effectively. Once you have accomplished this, you can now begin to use specific communication techniques with appropriate modalities:

Some Communication Techniques I Use:

- Ask people to repeat what they said. " I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, would you please repeat that again"¨ This allows one to think, formulate a plan and to clarify a problem
- Ask questions, who, what, where, when, how, and why. Again clarifies an issue and shows concern
- Interrupt by using their name if able. A person's first name is the most important name in the dictionary due to the fact that it allows you to personalize the contact
- Use "we" instead of "I", when using we it indicates that what you are saying is not an order. Instead of saying "I want you to go over there so that I can talk to you" maybe rephrase "why don't we go over here and discuss this"
- The use of a pattern Interruption technique . This can be very useful in derailing a person's thought process from something that was pissing them off. These happen all the time in our lives. In the middle of a conversation someone enters your officer and interrupts your thought process often causing amnesia. Not uncommon to hear a person say “ now, where was I, I've lost my train of thought” Pattern interrupts are most effective if you use them just as the trouble or problem begins. At that point, a pattern interrupt can be used to stop the trouble before it starts. By breaking the flow in the behavior conversation, you may rescue it before it turns sour. A pattern interrupt could include, coughing, sneezing, dropping something, swatting a bug, exclaiming, loud noise ect.
- Matching predicates or Buzz words

One must remember that there is a time for talking and a time for fighting. If I'm fighting, I WILL not be talking. Wars have been started over words, and what was said by both sides. In the pre-contact phase, where communication is a valuable tool for de-escalation (where appropriate and reasonable to do so) , one needs to become just as skilled in art and science of communication, as they are their physical combatives.

Please realize I have only skimmed the surface on the science of NLP. I would encourage all who study combatives, to take a basic NLP course.

Strength and Honor

Darren Laur

Darren Laur
28th February 2003, 04:41
Combative Based Action Imagery

Combative Based Action Imagery (CBAI) is nothing more than the way you learn to focus your mind on a particular task or idea, thus influencing one’s performance. In fact, CBAI is way more than just “visualization”, due to the fact that it involves many sensory modalities of the body, which equates to a more realistic experience. It is also important to remember that some people just can’t visualize, and because of this fact, they find this training attribute extremely frustrating. This is why, as a Certified Hypnotherapist, when conducting a CBAI session, I always ask the student to “visualize, imagine, or even pretend”; these three words will capture all students due to the fact that those who have trouble visualizing, will be able to either imagine or pretend. What is important to understand about CBAI, is that it is not a shortcut to success. One cannot sit on a couch, watch a self-defence video, and expect that CBAI is going to change you into a highly skilled street fighter. CBAI is not an alternative to physical training. You will always have to learn the physical “guts” your fighting system, practice the techniques involved, and develop your body to the best of your fighting ability. Once you have learned the “physical” of your fighting system, you can now use CABI to give you that winning edge. Although some believe that CBAI has no benefits to motor skill performance/enhancement, recent neurological findings have shown that patterns and areas of cerebral activation during CBAI are similar to those produced during the execution of the genuine overt motor action (Cramond, 1997, Cunnington, 1996). Using positron emission tomography (PET SCAN) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques, these studies revealed several similarities in brain activity between imagining and performing a motor action; movements are planned and controlled by similar specific areas of the motor cortex, the basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem.

What I am going to share with you in this post, may seem a little involved when you first start practicing this training technique but, as you become more familiar with this process, it will become easier to the point where you will be able to deliberately place yourself into a state of self-hypnosis with a single finger drop. In addition to the combative benefits of a CBAI, it will also provide a state of extreme relaxation. Just remember that you will need to practice the skills of CBAI regularly, so that it will become second nature.


· Find a quiet location and get yourself comfortable. To do this, wear clothing that is not restrictive, and adopt a semi reclined position without crossing your arms or legs. DO NOT LIE IN A PRONE POSITION. A prone position is the position of sleep to the body. Remember we do not want to sleep; we want to conduct a CBAI session.

· During your CBAI you can always move or shift your position at any time during the session to make yourself more comfortable. This includes swallowing or scratching
· Also remember that during a CBAI, you will hear everything around you. You will have full conscious awareness, though you will feel a little as you do when awake and daydreaming.


· Now take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a two count, and then as you breath slowly out through your mouth, allow your eyes to close
· You now want to familiarize yourself with some of the sounds that you might hear during your CBAI
· You may hear:
· Music playing in the background
· The sound of my computer booting up
· The sound of the fridge in the background
· The whistling of the wind in the trees
· The phone ring
· The sounds of street noises such as cars, sirens
· My father in law letting “corky” the dog outside
· Me standing up and walking around or shuffling papers



· Continuing with your eyes closed, and in your mind’s eye, I want you to locate the wall directly in front you. See it and touch it in your mind’s eye
· Now pull yourself back into the center of your body
· Now, in your minds eye, locate the wall directly behind you. See it and touch it in your mind’s eye.
· Now pull yourself back into the center of your body
· Now, in your mind’s eye, locate the wall directly to your left. See it and touch it in your mind’s eye
· Now pull yourself back into the center of your body
· Now , in your mind’s eye, locate the wall directly to your right. See it and touch it in your mind’s eye
· Now, pull yourself back into the center of your body
· Now in your mind’s eye, locate the floor at your feet and feel the slight pressure of the floor beneath your feet.
· Now, pull yourself back up into the center of your body
· Now, in your minds eye, locate the ceiling above your head. See it and touch it in your mind’s eye
· Now, pull your self back down into the center of your body, pulling all of your energy inwards, just like a turtle pulling itself into it’s shell, pulling in, pulling in feeling warm and cozy and very together


· Now continuing with your eyes closed, I want you to visualize, imagine, or even pretend that there is a warm wave of total relaxation and calmness that is going to start at the very top of your head, and move very slowly and calmly down your body to the tips of your toes. While this wave of calmness and relaxation is moving down your body, every single muscle, every single tendon, and every single ligament it touches, will become totally limp, loose, and relaxed. Once this warm wave of calmness has reached the tips of your toes, it will once again move back up your body, again causing every single muscle, every single tendon, and every single ligament it touches to go totally limp, loose, and relaxed.
· Now starting at your forehead, that place which truly shows the stresses of the day, the warm wave of calmness and comfort begins its soothing descent. All those muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the forehead are now becoming totally limp, loose, and relaxed thus allowing the tension of the day to flow away
· Now the warm wave of calmness and comfort begins to flow down to your eyelids. Feel how even now every single muscle, every single tendon, and every single ligament in and around your eyes are becoming totally limp, loose, and relaxed. Your eyelids are feeling oh so heavy as all the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding your eyes are now totally limp, loose, and relaxed
· Now the warm wave of calmness and comfort begins to flow down to your cheek muscles. Every single muscle, every single tendon, every single ligament in your cheeks are now totally limp, loose, and relaxed, as the tension just melts away
· Now the warm wave of calmness and comfort flows down to the strongest muscles of the body located in and around the jaw. Now visualize, imagine, or even pretend that this warm wave of calmness and comfort is now flowing up both sides of your jaw towards your ears. As it does, every single muscle, every single tendon, and every single ligament it touches becomes totally limp, loose, and relaxed allowing the release of any and all tension in those jaw muscles so that those muscles just hang completely loose. If your mouth begins to open and it becomes more comfortable to breath allow yourself to do so.
· Now the warm wave of calmness and comfort moves down to both your neck and shoulder muscles. As this warm wave touches each and every muscle, tendon and ligament in these areas, they become totally limp loose and relaxed again allowing for all the tension of the day to just melt away
· This warm wave of total relaxation now moves down your shoulders, arms, and chest muscles, which allows these muscles to simply go limp, loose and relaxed.
· As the warm wave of calmness and comfort now reaches the muscles of your diaphragm which have the important job of bringing air in and out of the lungs, you will notice that every time you breath in, you are breathing in calmness, and every time you breath out, you are breathing out any tension, anxieties, and any stress that is in the body. Breathing in calmness, breathing out tension ( 2-3 reps). Calmness and stress can not co-exist so every time you breathe in calmness the body is filling with it and replacing the tension that used to be there. Breathing in calmness, breathing out tension (2-3 reps)
· Now this warm wave of calmness and comfort flows down to your stomach muscles. People do not like to let the stomach muscles sag, but now we will as every single muscle, every single tendon, and every single ligament in and around the stomach area become totally limp, loose, and relaxed as you are breathing in calmness breathing out tension. Breathing in calmness, breathing out tension.
· This wave of calmness and comfort continues it’s descent down through your hips and thighs. This is where the strongest voluntary muscles in the human body are located. They are needed to support the body when it walks, so take an extra minute and allow every single muscle, every single tendon, and every single ligament in your hips and thighs to go totally limp, loose, and relaxed allowing yourself to melt into the chair.
· The wave of calmness and comfort is now moving down your legs, DOWN through your knees and into the lower legs muscle as every single muscle, tendon and ligament it touches goes totally limp loose and relaxed
· As the warm wave of calmness and comfort continues its downward course, it flows through your ankles, your feet, and to the very tips of your toes. You may feel a slight pulse or tingle sensation, don’t worry about it because some people feel it, some do not, and either is normal. What is important is that every single muscle, tendon and ligament in your ankle and foot are now completely and totally limp, loose, and relaxed.
· Now the warm wave of calmness and comfort begins its return journey back up your body, and as it does, again, every single muscle, every single tendon, and every single ligament it touches will become totally limp, loose and relaxed.
· Now traveling up the back of your feet and ankles, the warm wave of calmness and comfort reaches and touches your heel, Achilles tendon, calves, hamstrings, and every other muscle, tendon, and ligament of the back of your lower legs, knees, and thighs. Again all these muscles, tendons, and ligaments are now completely and totally limp, loose, and relaxed. As calmness, comfort, and relaxation move UP the body, the body goes DEEPER DOWN into a limp, loose and relaxed state of pure comfort and relaxation. Again, breathing in calmness, breathing out tension. Breathing in calmness, breathing out tension
· The warm wave of calmness and comfort continues its ascent reaching the lower back where a lot of tension is held. Again, spend some extra time here and allow every single muscle, tendon, and ligament in your lower back to completely and totally go limp, loose, and relaxed, becoming more peaceful and serene as all of the days tensions are released.
· As the wave of calmness and comfort goes up your spine vertebra by vertebra, every single muscle, tendon, and ligament surrounding and connecting these vertebra become limp, loose, and relaxed as you melt even further DOWN into your chair
· The warm wave of calmness and comfort has now reached the back of your neck and head. Again every single muscle, tendon, and ligament in these areas are totally and completely limp, loose, and relaxed.
· Now having finally reached the top of your head, the warm wave of calmness and comfort allows those muscles, tendon, and ligaments of the scalp to become totally and completely limp, loose, and relaxed. Blood is now flowing freely through out your body and especially in and around the neck, head and scalp. All is calm and normal the way nature intended it to be


· Now (student’s name) I would like you to visualize or imagine that you are on the tenth floor of a building. Any building, either real or imaginary. I now want you to visualize, imagine, or even pretend that you see yourself walking toward the bank of elevators in the building. Now the images are becoming more vivid. See yourself reach out, pressing the button to call the elevator car. And you wait a moment. You hear the little ring of a bell signaling that the elevator has arrived. Now see the doors as they slide gently open. Now you walk into the elevator, you turn and face the doors. And as you face the doors, you raise your eyes and look directly above the doors and you see the number 10 is lit up, and glowing. You are on the tenth floor. You here the hum of the machinery as the door glides closed, and you begin to feel the elevator drifting down towards the ground floor, and as it drifts down, it is going to carry you into a much deeper state of hypnosis and relaxation than you are in now.
· You watch the number 10 and as the number 10 blinks out you feel the elevator drifting down farther. And then number 9 comes on, and as you pass the 9th floor the number 9 blinks out. You drift still deeper into hypnosis and relaxation, becoming more dreamy and drowsy. You see the number 8 come on. It glows brightly, and then as you pass the 8th floor, the 8 blinks out and the number 7 lights up, and as it does you can feel yourself drifting even deeper, and deeper down. Now you watch the 7 go out and the number 6 lights up. As you pass the 6th floor, you drift deeper and feel total relaxation flowing through your entire body. The 5th floor, now even deeper. Now the 4th floor, still deeper and deeper down into hypnotic relaxation. The 3rd floor, and going ever so deep ( speaking more softly now) 2nd floor now and drifting even deeper and deeper, 1st floor, and still deeper and more relaxed. And now (student’s name) the ground floor, totally relaxed, feeling serene, calm, comfortable and deeply relaxed


· CBAI scripts should reveal the relevant properties of the environment-actor system at a certain moment in time. This can be accomplished by providing personalized action descriptions within imagery scripts, showing the student a video of the required motor action, or allowing the student to perform the required motor action prior to their CBAI session
· CBAI scripts should also include both the stimulus (attack) but also the response of the student utilizing as many of the bodies senses as possible
· Again remember, the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. The more realistic the CBAI session, utilizing all senses, the better


· Prior to exiting from the CBAI session, give yourself the following post hypnotic suggestion:

From this moment on, each and every time you find yourself in a self-protection situation, either in training or in an actual street confrontation, you will act without conscious thought based upon the training you have received. You will not think about what to do, but rather you will know what to do, and WILL just do it. Offensive mindset / Killer Instinct is the key to battle, and as such, will be something that you will both harness and use to your advantage. There is no such thing as the right or wrong way when it comes to combatives, only desirable and less desirable. Everything we do is desirable and as such you will continue to fight without pause or hesitation no matter what you or your opponent does. The physical techniques that you have now learned and mastered will flow easily and effortlessly. You are a modern warrior, and as such, you have the right to self-protection when the options of either walking away or negotiation have either failed or are inappropriate given the circumstances in which you find yourself in. You have the absolute right to defend both yourself and others under your control always understanding the fact that you do so given the legal constraints in which to do so. You will not use excessive force, but rather only that amount of force that is reasonable, given the facts and circumstances faced, to immediately stop the threat.

Step #8: EXIT:

· In a moment I will awaken from my deep body sleep. When I awaken from this sleep Iwill be more refreshed and more invigorated that I have ever felt before in my whole life. You will always find hypnosis relaxing, refreshing, and invigorating. When you awaken from a hypnotic sleep, you awaken with the physical relaxation of a champion athlete. Relaxed and perfectly normal, relaxed, and ready for anything. Relaxed with a vigorous, dynamic, relaxation that gives you pep, energy, and perfect co-ordination. You have enjoyed your session, and the relaxation, and you are looking forward to your next session, which will be even more pleasant, and helpful. All the suggestions today take complete, and thorough effect upon your mind, body, and spirit, all these suggestions are completely reinforced, over, and over, again, and again, with every day that passes. Again, these are permanent suggestions, permanent suggestions, and these suggestions now take complete and thorough effect upon your mind, body, and spirit, sinking into the very deepest part of the subconscious mind, never to be removed without your permission, sealing and stamping themselves indelibly on every single cell of your brain and your body.
· Now , I’m going to count from one up to five, and then I will say “WIDE AWAKE” At the count of five, my eyes will open, and I will be fully aware, feeling calm, rested, refreshed and relaxed
· Alright, one, slowly ,calmly, easily and gently you are returning to full awareness once again
· Two, each muscle, tendon, and ligament in my body is loose, limp and calm and I feel wonderfully good
· Three, from head to toe feeling perfect in every way. Physically perfect, mentally perfect, emotionally calm and serene
· Four, eyes begin to feel sparkling and clear. On the next number I count, eyelids open, fully aware, feeling calm, rested, refreshed, relaxed, invigorated and full of energy
· Five, fully aware. Eyelids open. Take a good, deep breath, fill up your lungs, and stretch and say out loud the words “Wide Awake”

I have now provided you with an eight-step process, which I use weekly, needed to conduct a CBAI. The more you practice these steps, the better you will get. Having said this, there is no better way to experience a CBAI than to locate a Certified Hypnotherapist who can act as a professional guide in this endeavor.

Another idea is to audiotape the above noted script, and play it back following your own voice until such time as you can conduct a CBAI in your minds eye.

Ultimately however, remember the words of Sir Darius who stated:

“ When one is imagining an action or a scene, one cannot be sure about the truthfulness of it. In addition to imagery one has to test the reality of the image. Imagery will not uncover whether an imagined action or scene or their consequences are actually possible or not. In the end, we have to stop imagining, get out of our comfortable chair, and start moving…..”

Strength and Honor

Darren Laur