View Full Version : Junsado - your thoughts?

Benjamin Peters
3rd March 2003, 05:21
has anyone heard of the Junsado (http://www.junsado.com/vdclip.html) method? what are your thoughts (on paper) anyway?

stanley neptune
13th March 2003, 13:07
It looks kind of cool. Is it just Hapkido? The guy doing the techniques is a TKD guy. I don't know if he also does Hpakido. Don't know much more than that.

Stanley Neptune

3rd January 2006, 18:25
Hi all,

Yes Master Kim is a TKD guy, but he is also a Hapkido guy and a master of Tukong Moosul. He Served in the elite 202 unit (a korean security and intell unit) in the Korean Military. He speciallized in Espionage and performed many missions to kidnap or eliminate a target.

Junsado is a system of combat that is made to personalize by each student of Junsado based off of his experiances in the 202 Unit. Hope this helps.