View Full Version : Extra training

31st March 2003, 08:25
Last week I got back from a three-day Gashuku (basically a an outing away from the usual place of training for training) .... A trip to another area ( this time it was up in the mountains) for three days of trianing. 21/2 hours in the morning and 3 1/2 hours in the afternoon. It was great!! My legs were a bit week and knees a little bit sore but still a great time!

My question is: In the States does your Dojo have these every so often? If so hat kind of place do you go to?? Who is allowed to go? An what do you think of these (Gashku)?

Gene Williams
31st March 2003, 12:00
Mark, We used to go to a big 4-H campground near here every summer for 5 days of intense training. We ran it like boot camp...up at 6, first work out 6:30 -7:30. Breakfast. Train from 9-12. Lunch. Train from 2-5. Evenings free time, but training area open with seniors assigned for anyone who wanted extra help. We also had long weekend camps (Thurs. - Sun.) at various places in Ga., Fla. and NC. It is great training and great experience. We just do weekends now, as our organization has had several splits (everybody thinks they should be a Soke) and we don't have enough people to pay the costs. W have dojo long weekends, now, and run it the same way. I encourage anyone to do this..it builds spirit, unifies the dojo, and is great training. Gene

31st March 2003, 15:07
Mr. Williams -

I don't want to be a Soke .......Just want to be a student. Love to learn. To much to do as a student to worry much of anything higher although I have been named a Shidoin ( assistant instructor) at one place that I practice. A lot of work to do there as you can imagine.

And you have some good points there abot what those weekends can do for a Dojo.