View Full Version : Profile

29th May 2003, 19:11
Trying to edit my profile and keep getting a message stating that someone already has my email. Going in circles here.

29th May 2003, 22:44
Have you more than one account? By this, I mean, have you ever applied for membership here before using the same email? If so, that could be your problem. If you are editing your email address, you probably have to wait until you get confirmation from Admin. with a new password (perhaps the same password, but it still must be confirmed. This can take up to 24 hrs.

If this isn't the problem (if you are just editing information and not resetting to a new identity or new email, then there shouldn't be a problem. If you are changing your name or email address whether you chose to have it public or not, 1, you can't change your username, 2, you need to wait for a confirmation email concerning your new email address to be verified.

If you are having trouble getting into e-budo, you must log in right now even if just to read the fora or edit profile/prefs so be sure you are logged on.

If none of that helps, John Lindsey will get around to reading this and help you out.

Hopefully, you will find the answer in this post, if not, give it some time.

