View Full Version : joint locks

5th June 2003, 22:26
Can anyone suggest a good technical book on joint locks? I take aikido, and am interested in expanding my techniques.



Prince Loeffler
6th June 2003, 04:54
Hi Fred,

I am not an Aikidoka. However I have certain books that I enjoyed learning regarding joint locks:

1) Wally Jay's Small Circle Video
2) Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na by
Dr. Yang Jwing Ming
3) Analysis of Shaolin Chin-Na By Dr. Jwing-Ming

I have one tape ( Aikijujtsu) I can't remember the person's name (Spanish), I'll let you know when I do.

There are also several books on Aikijujutsu and the Korean Art Hapkido that might peak your interest.

Hope this helps !

6th June 2003, 20:45
Thanks. I've read Wally Jay's book and really liked it, but I didn't know that he had a video. Supposedly, there's a good book being published on line by its author, but I can't remember his name.

Thanks again.


Gene Williams
7th June 2003, 00:08
I like Wally Jay, too, also Dennis Palumbo's books on Hakko-ryu are good. You need to find a sensei at some point because there are some fine points the books don't teach, plus he can show you how to adjust for different body types and potential counters. Gene

8th June 2003, 00:42
PRACTICAL CHIN NA: A Detailed Analysis of the Art of Seizing and Locking, by Zhao Da Yuan (translated by Tim Cartmell).

All the best to you and your training.

Joseph Svinth
8th June 2003, 02:02
Bernie Lau's videos are good.

9th June 2003, 21:56
Thanks. These should be some good starting off points.


12th September 2016, 08:55
Thanks. I've read Wally Jay's book and really liked it, but I didn't know that he had a video meubles design (http://design-mobilier.com). Supposedly, there's a good book being published on line by its author, but I can't remember his name.

Thanks again.


I either I did not know that a film existed . If you could send us a link so we can download .
I either I did not know that a film existed . If you could send us a link so we can download .