View Full Version : Self-improvement and mentors

7th July 2003, 07:41
Do you constantly look for ways to improve your skills in life in general?
Do you regularly set goals and do you actively seek mentors in different areas of your life?
Do you consider your MA instructor as a kind of mentor in more than just the arts but in life as well?

A. M. Jauregui
7th July 2003, 08:01
Do you constantly look for ways to improve your skills in life in general?

Yes I do. Mentally I have been trying to do things smart not harder - taking my laptop in instead of transcribing my notes. Physically I have started to use the personal *more like semi personal* trainer that my gym provides.

Do you regularly set goals and do you actively seek mentors in different areas of your life?

Mentally I have long term goals such as getting my Ph.D. and physically I have shorter term goal such as increasing the amount that I bench press and the number of push up that I can continuously do.
As for mentors not really. In most cases I am giving mentors *school, work, MA, etc.* but I prefer to figure things out for myself... But I am not that pig headed - if I need help from one of them I will use them as a resource.

Do you consider your MA instructor as a kind of mentor in more than just the arts but in life as well?

No. I do not really have a relationship with my MA instructor other then the teacher / student one. I do not think that he is looking for one in me and I am not looking for one with him...