View Full Version : Martial Arts History Web Pages

18th July 2003, 18:17
I am reserching RyuKyu Kempo(kenpo)(Ryu Te???)Karate History please tell me anything you know, or if you have any good web sites please tell me what they are (on this topic).

Joseph Svinth
22nd July 2003, 02:18
What style, what teacher?

Overall, Mark Bishop's books are (IMO) the places to start.

Some miscellaneous karate sites. I haven't checked all the URLs lately.

* http://gojuryu.net (Goju Ryu)
* http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/6758/hakutsuru_menu.htm (Various Okinawan systems)
* http://www.ihadojo.com (Shorin Ryu)
* http://www.matsubayashi-ryu.com (Shorin Ryu)
* http://www.society.webcentral.com.au (International Ryukyu Karate Research Society)
* http://www.seinenkai.com (Hawaii Karate Seinenkai)
* http://www.uechi-ryu.com (Uechi Ryu)

* http://www.ryukyu-kobudo.org (Okinawan traditional weapons)