View Full Version : Birthday

30th July 2003, 02:11
Why is my birthday not changing when I edit my profile...I'm not that young!

1st August 2003, 03:25
Same happen in my account it shows wrong born date.

manuel Ch. A
Caracas, Venezuela

1st August 2003, 06:50
I'm not sure whether this will help or not, but in the past some had problems setting or editing the signature feature. At the time, that seemed to be caused by previewing your sig/user options before saving it/them.

If you are previewing before saving, try saving instead of previewing.

As I said at the top, I'm not sure whether it will help fix the problem or not, but if you are previewing first; don't.

I hope that helps. I hope I can help anyone these days. When a girl scout offers to help you across the street, I don't see what they see.;)


2nd August 2003, 01:43
Thanks Mark for the insight.

Sometimes next day of a particularly hard trainning sesion I feel like if I were very old, I will consider your sugestion;)

Manuel Ch. A.

3rd August 2003, 11:24
Actually, I noticed yesterday that mine is wrong, too with the same December 31, 1969 birthday.

Check in the calendar. It is correct there, at least mine is.


4th August 2003, 06:23
For those whose birthdates are wrong in your profiles, I haven't heard anything concerning a fix, but I did find a way to correct it, at least partially.

Try editing your birthday out completely. This doesn't correct it, but it does leave it as N/A. To me, this is much better than having to correct people who refer to it, so if anyone needs/wants to know, s/he can ask.

Anyway, it probably isn't a big deal to anyone, but I thought I'd post this temporary fix. For what it's worth, I then tried to edit a blank birthdate back to the real one, but it still shows the December 31, 1969 birthdate. Leave it blank.

Hope this helps.
