View Full Version : Review of Judo: A Pictoral Manual by Pat Harrington

A. M. Jauregui
19th August 2003, 06:58
Judo: A Pictoral Manual by Pat Harrington, 5th dan, Published by Charles E. Tuttle Co. (Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan), 1992 (second printing 1993), LCC Card No. 92-60338, ISBN 0-8048-1878-9

The book starts of with several pages of general judo history with a few that focus on women role in that history. Then a bit of warm up and stretches. Followed by what makes this book true to its title - just about every page is either a step by step of a single technique or a part of a kata. There is a pretty comprehensive coverage of techniques / kata (see list below). The only issue that I have is unlike most modern martial arts books / manuals were each technique is given 9 to 12 color photos most sequences are dune in about 6 black and whites. Because of the quick sequences I would not recommend this book to a total neophyte but would highly advice the use of this book as part of a college course or in conjunction with a qualified judo instructor as to fill in the gaps. On a personal note all of my judo friends love this book, so much as that the copy that i currently have is my 3rd.

I have seen the book for around $4.00 on eBay, half.com, and used on amazon.com. I would not pay anything over $10 shipped for this book - shop smart...

Main technical sections:
Gokyo no waza - 40 techniques
Reraku waza - 3 combinations
Kaeshi waza - 5 counters
Osae waza - 9 techniques
Kansetsu waza - 5 techniques
Shime waza - 6 techniques
Randori - few pages nothing unique
Shiai - some nice advice on overload training and a brief vital point section
Seiryoku zenyo kokumin taiiku: tandoku renshu & kime shiki - 16 & 10 techniques
Goshin ho Kata - 18 techniques
Ju no kata - 15 techniques
Nage no kata - 15 techniques
Katame no kata - 15 techniques
Kime no kata - 20 techniques

Note that by technique I mean everything from o soto gari to tsukkake.

A. M. Jauregui
20th August 2003, 02:19
Originally posted by boku_wa
It did talk about some Japanese judo etiquettes, which I have found myself violating while practicing here in the US. :(

Several pages but simply the basics: A quick dojo do(s) and don't, the correct way to bow, gear, and hygiene.