View Full Version : muso shinden ryu okuden-question

15th October 2003, 10:20
In the okuden-kata tora bashiri, what is the scenario?

A.J. Bryant
15th October 2003, 17:02

As I was taught (could differ from others), Torabashiri could involve any number of scenarios that would entail chasing and cutting down one opponent, then retreating from a second opponent’s attack. The basic principal is learning how to draw quickly and accurately while both pursuing and retreating.

The reference to a tiger in the waza’s name comes from the low posture used in the advance and retreat.

Also, this waza is very similar to, and appears to have influenced Omori’s creation of Inyoshintai (Omote & Ura/Kaewaza) and Koranto (Oikaze, Kazeto or Kazegiri, etc.). Remember, the Omori-ryu was taught independently for the most part prior to Oe Masamichi and Nakayama Hakudo sensei.
