View Full Version : Daito-ryu Hiden Mokuroku and the book "Budo Renshu"

Ernesto Lemke
18th November 2003, 09:22
I was re-reading Stanley Pranin’s “Aikido Masters” once more and was struck by the following remark. Takako Kunigoshi, the female trainee who drew the illustrations for Budo Renshu, stated that “A second book was planned but was never printed at all.” (page 246). When reading the entire passage it seems to indicate that more illustrations where made then the ones that were published in Budo Renshu.

Perhaps this is old news or maybe I'm mis-reading the statements, I don’t know. I don’t recall this being discussed before though. Any thoughts anyone?


Ernesto Lemke

18th November 2003, 17:57
A second cartoon-style book? There was the 1938 book with the photos...

Ernesto Lemke
20th November 2003, 12:02
Indeed. I maybe wrong in my impression but when reading the entire passage it strikes me as Mrs. Kunigoshi hinting there where more drawings made. Of course, if these are still preserved then perhaps they would have been made public by now. In either case, I’m merely curious and again, perhaps I’m misreading….

Ernesto Lemke

Nathan Scott
21st November 2003, 20:16
[Post deleted by user]

Ellis Amdur
22nd November 2003, 05:48
I believe the recently deceased Muto Masao of Yagyu Shingan-ryu had a copy of Takeshita's diary. I have no idea what happened to his books, etc. One can hope that they have ended up in a library rather than a private hoard, but . . .

Ellis Amdur

Ernesto Lemke
22nd November 2003, 21:25
As I’m sure so are many, I am very curious about the notes Takeshita kept from Ueshiba’s training. Mr. Amdur, apart from the quote you referred to in “Dueling with O-Sensei”, where there more notes of interest you recall and which you might consider sharing?

Mr. Scott,
Interesting about the number in techniques. I would never have thought of that. Very interesting. FWIW Budo Renshu to me has very much been a confirmation that the waza as practiced in my school is consistent with that record. I train in a pre-war based curriculum (Shirata-ha). As you say, “knowledge of the techniques is necessary in order to hope to reproduce them with any degree of accuracy.” I agree, but the puzzling is fun too!


Ernesto Lemke

Ellis Amdur
22nd November 2003, 23:11
Ernesto -

Muto, a friend of one of my instructors, used to drop by some times, and throw out tidbits (like the mention of Takeshita's diary). But I never sat down with him for any organized discussions.

Ellis Amdur

Nathan Scott
24th November 2003, 19:28
[Post deleted by user]

Ernesto Lemke
26th November 2003, 16:11
Ellis, Nathan (if you don’t mind me dropping the formalities),

Thanks for the input. Again, very interesting. Especially about Takeshita’s ‘stuff’ ending up in Kondo Sensei’s possession. What will happen with it indeed. Oh well, time will tell.


Ernesto Lemke