View Full Version : Canon & Encyclopaedia

M.C. Busman
13th December 2003, 23:51
There have been quite a few C of J's on ebay as of late, so be on the lookout! Canon of Judo:


Another nifty set of books fer you interlectural types is the 2-book Martial art encyclopaedia:


~~I have no connection to these auctions~~

15th December 2003, 06:05
I still think it is way over the top to pay that much for a book... (Canon)

M.C. Busman
21st December 2003, 19:59
I'm still amazed it hasn't been reprinted in an economical format! It is a terrific book. Judo folks?

Joseph Svinth
21st December 2003, 21:38
On the encyclopedia, $110 (the winning bid) is a reasonable rate for the books used, as Half.com routinely offers them for $125. TotalCampus.com, on the other hand, is selling them for $204, and BookCellar.com recently (Dec. 2003) offered a set for (get this) $277.95!