View Full Version : The Official Last Samurai Photo Book

Brian Owens
16th December 2003, 04:05
Okay, I'll admit that I have become a fan of this movie.

So I went out yesterday and bought Warner Brothers' movie book.

It has still-photo frames from the movie, dialog exerpts from the screenplay, production notes, etc. Overall very nice.

Then there are side articles about various aspects of samurai/Japanese culture. Uh oh.

Here is a summary of what the book says about sword technique:

There are only five standard positions in swordsmanship.

In the right position the sword is held horizontally to the right, with the intention of allowing the samurai to swing it into the upper position before slicing downward across the opponent.

In the left position the sword is held horizontally to the left, allowing him to deflect the opponent's sword before slicing diagonally upward across the opponent's body.

In the lower position the sword is held lower than the opponent's sword, ready to stike the opponent's hands. :confused:

In the middle position the sword is held overhead with the intention of stiking the opponent's body, rather than his blade. :confused: :confused:

In the upper position the sword is held overhead with the blade pointing at the opponent's eyes, ready to deflect the opponent's blade. :confused: :confused: :confused:

I guess I'm going to have to start training from scratch, because that's not the kamae I learned.

They should have kept it a fan book, and left the history/technique articles to their betters.

16th December 2003, 19:44

The photobook was where I got the writings on the blade from.

My remark about the book being "funny" was referring to what you posted above, AND how the Japanese sword is agreeds to be the sharpest blah blah....

The five posture description sounds familiar...much like a bastardized version of what Musashi said in the book of five rings.


Brian Owens
16th December 2003, 23:49
Originally posted by DCPan
The five posture description sounds familiar...much like a bastardized version of what Musashi said in the book of five rings.

Originally posted by Yagyu Kenshi
In the upper position the sword is held overhead with the blade pointing at the opponent's eyes, ready to deflect the opponent's blade. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Then Musashi must have been describing how to do jodan-no-kamae when your opponent is up a tree behind you. :D

17th December 2003, 03:46
Originally posted by Yagyu Kenshi
Then Musashi must have been describing how to do jodan-no-kamae when your opponent is up a tree behind you. :D

Yeah...why don't you think "jodan kasumi" from Ono-Ha Itto Ryu instead? Just because it doesn't conform to the conventional kendo/iaido jodan doens't mean there isn't such a kamae.

Also, I mention "bastardized" didn't I :D

Musashi (Victor Harris Version): "The five attitudes are: Upper, Middle, Lower, Right Side, and Left Side...."

I didn't say the five kamaes described by Musashi resembles that of the photo book now did I? :D

Brian Owens
17th December 2003, 04:02
Lighten up, David. I was poking fun at the book, not at you.

17th December 2003, 04:06
Originally posted by Yagyu Kenshi
Lighten up, David. I was poking fun at the book, not at you.

I wasn't offended :D I just thought the point of the author's attempt to poorly plagarize is lost....

I guess I should have put a few more smileys up there? :D

Besides, you are the guy would actually paid $$$ for it :D I just browsed and tossed it back on the shelf :D

Brian Owens
17th December 2003, 04:59
Originally posted by DCPan
Besides, you are the guy would actually paid $$$ for it :D I just browsed and tossed it back on the shelf :D
Yeah, there's a sucker born every minute as PT Barnum said. You should see all the junk I've amassed over the years.

Still, I'm not sorry I bought the book. I consider it $14.95 well spent...for a movie souvenir, not a guide to JSA!
:D ;) :p :cool: :look: :kiss: :wave: :laugh: :idea: :toast: :karatekid :smilejapa :nw: