View Full Version : Why are the kata different in each style.

Old Dragon
7th January 2004, 17:44
I would like to throw out something for dicussion. I am looking for different ideas and theory's on this.

In the Okinawan styles, many of us have the same kata. IE, Nihanchi, Nifanchi, Tekki shodan, nidan, sandan.

Nihanchi in some styles starts from the left and in some styles starts from the right.

Kusanku, Konkudai, are all from the original same root, (I beleive ) and yet from style to style there can be anything from major to minor differences.

Anybody have any history on why this happened?

Mike O'Leary.

Old Dragon
7th January 2004, 17:47
Hi guys, This probably should have been posted in another forum but the same principle applies to kobudo as well. I tried to delete it and move it but it wouldnt allow me to do this.

I will start this thread elsewhere.

Mike O'Leary.