View Full Version : Mongol Invasion Scrolls

25th February 2004, 20:27
Thought this might be of interest.

Thomas Conlan is a Stanford trained historian who did his work on injury reports of BUSHI after battles. He wrote a very entertaining piece ( which rather pillories the concept of the self-sacrificial warrior.

He has also published a book called In Little Need of Divine Intervention: Takezaki Suenaga's Scrolls of the Mongol Invasions of Japan (Cornell East Asia Series, No 113)
by Thomas D. Conlan (Translator) (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/188544513X/qid=1077744572//ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i2_xgl14/103-1108117-8103817?v=glance&s=books&n=507846)

These scrolls, with translations, are available at:



(Cross-posted with Aikiweb.com)

26th February 2004, 00:16
Don - you are a God.

Great links - too bad I have work to do - must not read everything now.

The link to the article on Aikiweb failed.