View Full Version : Jerky

30th March 2004, 18:06
I recently purchased a dehydrator and am looking for interesting ideas for not only drying meats but also fruits. If any of you have any recipes for this please let me know.

31st March 2004, 00:39
Some things we did before we gave away the dehydrator...

Candied fruits. It's messy and takes a few days, but they work very well. Basically, you gently heat the fruit in in creasingly saturated sugar solutions until the water is replaced with sugar. Then you dry them in the dehydrator.

Combine the jerky with berries, suet and parched corn - pemmican!

Rodale Press has some excellent books on food preservation including drying although they don't talk about meat anymore

"Pickled, Potted and " (I forget the last word) and "Fancy Pantry" will have useful material. In Oregon the County Extension Agents run a food preservation hotline which provides a lot of very useful information at very reasonable cost on (safe, tested) food preservation methods including drying.