View Full Version : I practice one handed and I've done something bad!

13th April 2004, 06:40
Over the weekend I was chatting to a friend about being angry about not being able to train. As he's a Black Belt something Dan in Jujitsu and said he "throw me!"

I was a bit against it cause he can't throw me back cause my arm is still 'effed'. So I said no and the conversation continue for an hour until he through a decent right hook, without thinking I acted and Kokyo Nage came out, well more like a one arm left handed Osoto Gari.

He cracked a bone in his left wrist and I have a throbbing right arm/elbow, I shouldn't do anything until the Dr say I can! :mad:

Anyway, for the doubters, Aikido works, even with one arm broken and strapped to your side!

Sorry Jas'

13th April 2004, 22:39
It's good to strap an arm behind your back every now and then. I do Hapkido and have damaged both thumbs (not at same time) so got to practice one hand techniques on both sides.

Robert Cheshire
14th April 2004, 04:09
In our kids class - I often put my hands behind my back and into my belt. I then have our kids "attack" me. I show them that tai sabaki works and that you don't always have to use your arms to avoid an attack.

Did you at least buy him a beer after busting his wrist!?!? :beer:

14th April 2004, 22:25
I bought him a few but I still feel bad! I guess if you just trust your learning Aikido works!