View Full Version : Numbers and Japanese culture (#2-3)

John Lindsey
25th October 2000, 17:50
"Ni"(two) implies "TenChi"(heaven and earth).
Similarly, "San"(three) extends further into "TenChiJin"(heaven,
earth and man) which is also called "San-sai"(three aptitudes ?).

We can read many moral discourses using kanji "San" in "Rongo"
(the Analects of Confucius), for example;

Ware hini mitabi wagami wo kaerimiru.
(It's my practice to reflect on my actions thrice daily.)

"San-gen"(three elements) in Taoism means heaven, earth and water.
On the other hand, "San-pou"(three treasures) and "San-zou"(three
warehouses) in Buddhism mean "Butsu-Hou-Sou"(Buddha, dharma and
priests) and the Buddhist scriptures respectively.

"San-ko-no-rei" in a novel "San-goku-shi-engi" is well known, but
it is difficult for me to express this phrase in English.
--- S. Shingai
This message was posted with permission from the Nippon Culture mail list. Shingai san runs the mail list and is not a member of e-budo. Visit: http://www.yk.rim.or.jp/~planet/index.html for information on the list