View Full Version : Taira and Fujita

22nd July 2004, 20:56
Does anyone have an idea what Fujita Seiko's influence on Taira Shinken may have looked like, if there was any mentionable?

Would it have been in a more general way, like giving hints on the needs of classification, the study and classification of tools, or something like that?

For an interesting article with some info on the connection between Fujita and Okinawans please see:


Doug Daulton
24th July 2004, 17:29
Originally posted by Shikiyanaka
Does anyone have an idea what Fujita Seiko's influence on Taira Shinken may have looked like, if there was any mentionable?

Would it have been in a more general way, like giving hints on the needs of classification, the study and classification of tools, or something like that? Certainly, Taira spent time training with Fujita Seiko. There is at least one relatively famous picture of the Taira, Fujita and Mabuni Kenwa in dogi (which I can find online at the moment). Fujita Sensei was also a teacher of Inoue Motokatsu Sensei, one of Taira's senior students and the founder of Ryukyu Kobujutsu Hozon Shinkokai. Unless I am mistaken, Taira and Fujita met through Inoue.

As for specific kata or waza attributed to Fujita Seiko, there are none of which I am aware, at least in the Taira -> Akamine line. Perhaps Mario McKenna (Taira -> Minowa) or someone from the Taira -> Inoue line could shed some light on their school's POV.

This does not mean Fujita was not an influence. All teachers are seen in their students. I hope this helps.

2nd August 2004, 17:22
Thanks Doug,

maybe it will never be known what Fujita's possible influence may have looked like, but thanks for the hints.

All teachers are seen in their students.
So true :)