View Full Version : Visiting a Traditional Dojo

8th September 2004, 15:16

I have been given the privlege to visit a koryu dojo in Kyoto as well as meeting the Soke. Apart from common courtesy, how should I behave and what should I think of?


George Kohler
8th September 2004, 16:08
Don't look around and not pay attention to the keiko that is going on.
Don't move around when you are sitting.
Don't yawn or seem bored.
Don't laugh or make a face that seems that something funny happened.

I would guess that if it is a koryu dojo, they don't have any chairs to sit in, so you may have to sit in seiza or hanza. Make sure that you do not show the bottom of your feet by extending your legs.

8th September 2004, 22:16
Bring a small gift for the Soke, to show gratitude and appreciation. Something simple, like a nice hand towel, or chocolates from your town, etc. It's not the gift itself that's important, but the showing appreciation for the chance.


r e n

9th September 2004, 07:21
Thank's for the advice! Apart from common dojo politeness I have heard something about how to move with regards to the sensei and the kamiza. Could anyone tell me more about this?

Ron Tisdale
9th September 2004, 13:40
All I know is that in most cases you don't want to ever turn your back to the shomen, or cut or throw toward the shomen. Sounds like a great opportunity!
