View Full Version : shorin ryu shorinkan

13th October 2004, 00:49
Does anyone study Shorin ryu Shorinkan karate. Can you tell me about the art from a physical standpoint. I can read all the history. What kind of kicks do they practice, and what kind do they not practice? What type of defense do they use, are their blocking techniques hard force on force or do they blend with the attack like some Chinese methods? How long have you practiced Shorin ryu Shorinkan?


14th October 2004, 02:06
Greetings Fred,
The best person to answer your questions would be Mr. Doug Perry.


He is Nakazato Sensei's representative in the U.S..
You can click on the "contact" link and e-mail him from there.

I will say that every instructor, even though they are in the same system, will teach differently. Perry Sensei for instance adds grappling and joint locks that he pulls from the sequences in the kata. But this is his take on the art and what works for him.

I have trained with him personally over the past year and find that he is a very approachable, humble and capable karateka.

Best of luck

15th October 2004, 00:03
I echo the previous comments. Doug Perry Sensei is a wonderful and knowledgable instructor.

If you are located in Indiana, you may want to visit Eddie Bethea Sensei in Kokomo or Tom Ward Sensei. They are 7th and 6th dans respectively in Shorinkan, very approachable, and with decades of valuable experience which they share with others. Any of the aforementioned gentlemen could give you the comparatives to other systems you may be researching.

Good luck

Andy Morris
Delmar, NY