View Full Version : Renrikan in Boston closing! What will happen to the students?

stanley neptune
6th July 2005, 18:57
Unfortunately Renrikan in Boston is closing. Jim Poli is retiring prematurely for health reasons. Good luck Jim on future journeys. God speed.

What will happen to the school's students?

This is an unfortunate turn of events. There are few traditional schools of budo left.

Everyone these days are ground pounders or close quarter combative gurus.

Is there no longer the desire for traditional budo?

Stanley Neptune

6th July 2005, 21:08
Hi Stanley.

I've never been over to the Renrikan in South Boston. Honestly, I don't know very much about them at all, but I wish them all luck.

The grunt in me will always hold a special place in my heart for close combat, but we're not all die-hard ground pounders ... we're budoka, too!

Yes, there is still a desire out there for traditional budo, and it's alive and well in Boston. We're not big, we're not flashy, but we are here, doing what we do quietly and out of the spotlight.

Geez, that makes us sound kind of like reluctant superheroes, huh? Well, I wouldn't take it that far, but we're certainly not on the endangered species list!


7th July 2005, 12:50
Is there a web site about the Renrikan? Enquiring minds want to know.


stanley neptune
7th July 2005, 13:17
www.renrikan.com use to be the web site, but is closed down.

Stanley Neptune