View Full Version : influences

29th November 2000, 23:29
hey everyone, i have to do a thesis paper on how china influences japan and korea's culture. . . and i was wondering if you guys can tell me what the culture in japan was like in 500AD-1800 and the chinese influences. . . please?????? i really need help on this cause it's worth 300 pts. . . yikes, i know. i would really really appreciate any form of help you can give me. thank you!!!


Joseph Svinth
30th November 2000, 07:10
Sorry to sound evasive, but since you're covering a thousand years, your question is akin to asking how the Islamic world affected Christian Europe, 700-1800. It did, enormously, but how depends on when.

Meanwhile, for some useful online sources, try:

* Encyclopaedia Britannica: http://www.britannica.com

* East and Southeast Asian resources:


* European, Japanese, and Chinese relations: http://www.rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~michel/serv/eujap/index.html

* Japanese history: http://www.ingjapan.ne.jp/miurasn/history/edo.htm

* Korean History Project: http://www.koreanhistoryproject.org/KHPIndex.htm

* World history (links): http://blair.library.rhodes.edu/histhtmls/histnet.html

* World history (essays, lineages, etc.): http://www.friesian.com/philhist.htm

Besides politics, also consider religion and science. For Buddhist studies, see http://www2.uncwil.edu/iabs/vl ; for science and medicine, see http://goldenorb.atnet.net.au/simon/HTML/Phil%20Rogers%20Useful%20Web%20Sites%20on%20acupuncture%20and%20traditional%20Chinese%20medicine.htm .

Finally, if you're looking at martial arts, consider visiting "Kronos" at http://ejmas.com . Besides the text, the bibliography includes many online links, all of which should work because they were just spidered the other day.