View Full Version : Photo: Japanese Boy as Samurai

John Lindsey
3rd December 2000, 17:22

Cany anyone translate the kanji on this old photograph?

7th December 2000, 04:50
First, the verticle lines on the upper right:

(1) Hiu shuku-shuku (sono ni)

(2) Kotsu mon jori issei teki (a.k.a. tachimachi ni jori ni issei no fue wo kiku)


(1) Wind-blown rain: shuku-shuku* (part two)

(2) Suddenly hearing one note of a flute from inside the fortress

*NOTE: "shuku-shuku" is an onomatopoeia for the sound of wind in pine trees.

Second, the horizontal lines on the bottom:

(1) Tosa-ha Kenbujutsu (Tosa style Sword Dance)

(2) Kenjikan monjin (a student of the Kenjikan school): Maesawa (?)-jo (age 9)

George Kohler
10th March 2003, 18:37
picture link fixed