View Full Version : Tanaka-ha Daito-ryu Aikibujutsu (Montezuma Cantù)

2nd May 2006, 08:34
Dear fellow posters,

following the (actually interesting) discussions on the Daitoryu Branches and especially on the fraud guys, I feel I have to open this new, wonderful (!) thread.

Attached to this message you will find an INTERESTING .pdf that a certain Mr. Montezuma Cantù from a certain Tanaka-ha Daito-ryu Aikibujutsu sent to us, Daitokai overseas branches, today.

I REALLY think you will have material to have a good laugh for days. Set aside from the ludicrous lineage they present (also full with errors even in names!), it is my understanding that this Tanaka-ha is a sort of Federation of Frauds, they're all in there, from Kaze arashi to Williams!!!!

I really cannot believe to what extent people would go to use the Daitoryu name, read this for believing.

Giacomo Merello

I had to cut/paste in a Doc file because the pdf was too large, some 681 kb. Since that is more interesting (a couple of photos inside) I ask the moderators if they can give me some authorization to upload it direcy. Thanks!

Nathan Scott
3rd May 2006, 18:53
Looks like just another East coast Soke caper. The only affiliation I see is with John William's Saigo-ha group in Canada, and perhaps a testing/ranking relationship with Miguel Ibarra. Nice of them to send you their newsletter. ;)

Nathan Scott
15th May 2006, 20:02

I renamed your thread to enhance search results on the subject.

BTW, in re-reading your original post, I interpreted what you said as being that, based on your knowledge and experience, you find the claims of this group to be unrealistic and incorrect, in your opinion. Not everyone on the net may be aware that English is a second language for you, and seeing how many people who receive what they view as negative exposure on the net like to TRY to sue people for slander, I just thought I'd see if I understood what you said correctly. ;)


15th May 2006, 21:30
That would be sue for libel, if its written, slander if it is spoken. Or, more generally, encompassing both, defamation.

Just FYI,
Arman Partamian

Nathan Scott
15th May 2006, 23:28

So if I spoke the words out loud and used my laptop to type them at the same time, while seated on the porcelain throne, that would be "defecation of character", right?

18th May 2006, 09:17
Well, now I'm not following you! English is a second language for me, so maybe sometimes my tone is a little too overboard for this reason. Italian IS usually much more overboard than English.

The summary is: this Montezuma united all the associations that claim to be Daito-ryu and are not, in a unique subject in the hopes of finding some more support in this way.

Maybe they're good teachers and practitioners, but they are MOST certainly NOT Daito-ryu as much as I am Master Yoda.

Clearer like this? :P