View Full Version : Wooden Naginata & Yari Construction

7th December 2000, 22:19
Hi All,

After searching for a reasonably cheap wooden naginata and yari, I have decided to go ahead and make my own. I'm wondering if anyone out here has done the same and has plans they'd like to share. Specifically how the wooden blades are mounted on both the naginata and yari. I'd like to use pegs to secure the naginata blade as if it were metal, but I'm ot sure how to "hollow" (for lack of a better word) out the place for the blade. And I'm not sure how to mount a wooden yari blade. Ideas? Also, does anyone have a set of measurements for both these tools? (i.e., shaft length, diameter, blade length, width, etc.)

Thanks for any help you can give. These aren't going to be spectacular show pieces, just tools to aid in my training.

Thanks again,
Frank Champas