View Full Version : On-line translation

Steve Williams
8th December 2000, 15:09
Found a site that does on-line translations http://www.worldlingo.com/en/free_translations.html

Tried it by putting in the url for the thread "translation" from this forum, my Japanese is not good (can only recognise some characters ビール and ウィスキー and コーヒー :up::laugh: )

Perhaps any of you who understand (or are) Japanese could comment?

Strange that it does not recognise some words (mostly romanji words)


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Tamasii Saru

位置: ジャクソン, Tn
興味: Partying Martial の芸術:)
登録される: 2000 年7 月
ポスト: 25
だれでも手を離れて" Gaurdian 天使" のまたは" Gaurdian 精神 " ののための日本人を知っているか.

- Brian Griffin
KokumonRyu Bujinkan Dojo

11-15-2000 04:14 pm Ip: 記録される

Earl Hartman

位置: Palo Alto, カリフォルニア, 米国
興味: Kenjutsu/kendo のiai のheiho すなわちjo, kyudo/kyujutsu, Nagao Ryu Taijutsu
登録される: 2000 年6 月
ポスト: 304
言葉" Ujigami " は最も近いおそらく。" uji " はclan としてについて通常(しかし, より緩く, 集団考慮されることができる凝集性の, 関連付けられたグループように見る) 考えられ, " kami " は神の精神かdeity である。従って, " ujigami " は clan のtitular deity を意味する, clan 保護する。

一般用語は" mamori-gami ", か" 保護のdeity " である。日本語の天使のための単語は" tenshi " (天空のメッセンジャー) であるが, " tenshi " が西部の概念であり, 私が決してだれでも " mamori-tenshi " を言うのを聞いたあらないことはことを私は考える。

とにかく, " mamori-gami " は最もよい, 私考える。

" 精神猿" を意味するためにbtw, あなたの名前は仮定されるか. そう, いかにあなたはそれと上がったか.

Earl Hartman

11-15-2000 04:51 pm Ip: 記録される

Tamasii Saru

位置: ジャクソン, Tn
興味: Partying Martial の芸術:)
登録される: 2000 年7 月
ポスト: 25
井戸i は私のsensei から得たそれを.... Ya は見る, 私は投球の間に' ポケットに' とどまらない恐ろしい傾向を有するのが常であったまたは私はoutta の技術をwiggle 。私が公正な自然に flexable, 自然な傾向を投げないべき有する。彼は名前が壁で掛かることを必要としたと同時に彼が私をsqurriel 男の子と呼ぶのが常であったが, 猿のための漢字は共通だった井戸…こうして私はなった" spirited 猿" を
- Brian Griffin
KokumonRyu Bujinkan Dojo

11-15-2000 05:35 pm Ip: 記録される

Tamasii Saru

位置: ジャクソン, Tn
興味: Partying Martial の芸術:)
登録される: 2000 年7 月
ポスト: 25
あなたはmamori-gami またはukigami のための漢字を有することを起こらないか.
- Brian Griffin
KokumonRyu Bujinkan Dojo

11-17-2000 01:13 am Ip: 記録される


位置: ウィーン, オーストリア
興味: 家族, 一般にBudo; Jujutsu, Iaijutsu;
登録される: 2000 年8 月
ポスト: 35
私を試みることを許可しなさい! 次のとおりである:




グラフィックはJeffrey の日本語からある <-> 英国辞書サーバー。

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11-17-2000 11:41 am Ip: 記録される

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8th December 2000, 15:58
A very interesting site... must try it out and see how good it is...

Well... my guess is that it doesn't recognise romaji because it is translating English to Shift-JIS, not romaji to Shift-JIS. Much as most (non-martial artist or japanese-speaking) english speakers do not understand romaji words...



(and your knowledge of katakana is surely enough... a man can live on beer whiskey and coffee surely? :) )

9th December 2000, 03:48
Hmmm...Well, you can definitely tell the translations were done by a computer--most of the expressions are translated literally word-for-word and often come in an English word order (subject-verb-object, as opposed to subject-object-verb in Japanese). Most Japanese would probably have difficulty understanding the content of the translated material.

Still, automated translation has definitely come a long way since its inception--who knows, maybe in 20 years' time there will be no need for anyone to learn a foreign langauage... :(

9th December 2000, 08:11
Originally posted by Bishamon
Still, automated translation has definitely come a long way since its inception--who knows, maybe in 20 years' time there will be no need for anyone to learn a foreign langauage... :(

What about for fun... that'll always ba a reason!

(and until they invent a real babelfish, listening and speaking a foreign language will always need you to learn it first...)



Harold James
10th December 2000, 21:44
Originally posted by Bishamon

Still, automated translation has definitely come a long way since its inception--who knows, maybe in 20 years' time there will be no need for anyone to learn a foreign langauage... :(

One thing the computers will never be able to do is understand the culture that goes with language that is unique from other cultures of other languages. While a person may be able to learn a lot of a foreign language, that person will never be a "Native Speaker" because of the lack of cultural knowledge. But a person can learn culture that in a way will make thier language usage and level of understanding better... something a computer will never be able to do (I HOPE!)

So maybe there will always be a reason to learn a foreign... human to human comunication.

11th December 2000, 08:26
Speaking of on-line translations, I think this one is pretty good: http://www.excite.co.jp/world/ Of course, the result is far from grammatically correct, but it is still helpful.

Jens Nasstrom

Adam DArcy
12th December 2000, 19:02
.......my head hurts.......

I'm not sure that mechanical translations have really improved or not. Not that I am biased, having been a "human" translator, but that was a real mess.

Programs that translators use for aid are "somewhat" better, but really no substitute for the knowledge, cultural context, and general common sense that only a human can bring to the table. I would say stay away from this site unless you really want to confuse and potentially offend a native Japanese speaker.


Steve Williams
12th December 2000, 22:39
From what you have all said, it would seem that this site is not so hot :nono:

But I think it (and sites like it) can be very useful in certain circumstances, i.e. the translation of single words. In this capacity surely this is a very useful site, if I were trying to e-mail a native Japanese friend (English speaker) and wanted to explain a word or concept more fully, then I could insert the translated word maybe?
I know that the context that certain words are used in are very important but my thought is that my message could be enhanced by such a "word translation".

Any thoughts (BTW most of my Japanese friends speak and understand English better than I do, so for me this is irrelevant :D )