View Full Version : Mudra in Karate?

Mark Murray
29th September 2006, 14:40
Aikido Journal and Brian Kagen highlighted an article today.

The article is Mudra in the Martial Arts by Wayne Muromoto.


There was a part in there that I wondered if anyone here would know more about. Here's the part:

I earlier noted that most modern budo are bereft of mudra and other esoterica. But I am actually not so sure that they are totally without any mikkyo influence. Look at the karate kata Kusanku (Kosokun). The opening movement has sometimes been described to me as a stylized example of how to break a grip and strike an opponent's kidney area when he tries to bear-hug you. But in esoteric Shinto, a similar movement, with a hand clap, welcomes the Sun Goddess. By doing that movement in the direction of the rising sun, you absorb the sun's positive spiritual energy. Is it possible that there are other mudra and esoteric movements hidden in other karate kata? Okinawan karate, after all, was related to ancient Okinawan dance and court rituals, which themselves incorporated some aspects of Okinawan folk beliefs. I'm not sure and not even positive that this one example or any other has any real significance. I leave that up to you, the reader, to figure out.

Well, I am the reader and I know almost nothing about Okinawan karate, but I thought it was worth asking about. Anyone know if there are mudra or esoteric movements in karate?

2nd October 2006, 00:26
Aikido Journal and Brian Kagen highlighted an article today.

The article is Mudra in the Martial Arts by Wayne Muromoto.


There was a part in there that I wondered if anyone here would know more about. Here's the part:

Well, I am the reader and I know almost nothing about Okinawan karate, but I thought it was worth asking about. Anyone know if there are mudra or esoteric movements in karate?

Yes, it is encoded but not generally discussed.

Mark Murray
2nd October 2006, 01:53
Didn't want to expand into a discussion of it, just wondered if it was there. Thanks for answering.


Trevor Johnson
2nd October 2006, 04:38
Yes, it is encoded but not generally discussed.

Any reasons you've heard of why it isn't?

I've learned a bit about the encoding, but my impression of the reason it isn't mentioned is that most people just don't know enough about it. I could be wrong, and everyone knows lots but me...

2nd October 2006, 13:03
No reason.

I just don't think the Okinawans are as esoteric as the Chinese. But we inherited a lot of the same moves. Most of our kata end in a technique called tora guchi or mawashi uke. This is also found on Buddhist statues. The Shaolin had the same postures. The top hand represents the Killing hand or the stopping hand. ( it is the universial sign for stop). The bottom hand is the helping hand. (reaches down to help someone up. I can kill if I have to but I would rather help....... That is one example.

Karate people just don't discuss this stiff much it is either forgotten information or maybe it is a distraction to what it is they really want to focus on.

Gary Gablehouse wrote a nice article about this.