View Full Version : Research question - English language references

28th October 2006, 14:21
I'm looking for reliable references for 2 things:

The naginata moving off the battlefield and becoming a household weapon used by women.

Samurai class women training in various arts - not just the proper way to commit suicide...


28th October 2006, 15:01
I'm looking for reliable references for 2 things:

The naginata moving off the battlefield and becoming a household weapon used by women.

Samurai class women training in various arts - not just the proper way to commit suicide...


a household weapon
You mean like a rolling pin? How is the naginata a household weapon?

Joseph Svinth
28th October 2006, 21:04
Try assorted articles by Ellis Amdur. Online, the most accessible is probably http://www.koryubooks.com/library/wwj1.html .