View Full Version : Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Shinbukan / Kondo Katsuyuki

29th December 2006, 00:06
Hello everyone,

With all the crazy junk on this board in the past few days I thought I'd share something useful and maybe interesting. The official Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu website www.Daito-ryu.org has recently been updated. There is some new information that hasn't been open to non-members before. Not that it is some great secrect or anything, just never published. Anyway it has a lot more then the old Aikidojournal content it used to have. It was translated by a Shimbukan student Anton and looks very nice.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year!

Jose Garrido
1st January 2007, 15:18
Thanks Chris and happy New Year to all here at E-Budo.

One thing that has been added that may be of interest is the official list and contact names for all of the Branch (Shibu) dojos and the official Study Groups. Now there are 6 locations in the US where interested parties may study mainline Daito-ryu, and 1 in Canada. :)

Jose Garrido

Nathan Scott
17th January 2007, 21:33
[Post deleted by user]

22nd January 2007, 10:29
Actually it is a good history simply because it is almost the ad litteram translation of the history published by Takeda Tokimune in his newsletters. I know it because we also used the same newsletters (among MANY other, including never-before-published material by Takeda Soke) for part of the history on our book! The difference is that we actually put a note with references to the Newsletter we took that from...