View Full Version : Ryugo Ryu

17th January 2007, 22:35
Hello everyone,

I was hoping to find information on a system created in the mid-Edo period (circa. late 1700's) called "Ryugo Ryu". I believe it was created by Okada Souemon (please correct me if I've romanized that incorrectly). Any information, or sources (web, videos, books -- in any language is fine) on the Ryu's history would be greatly appreciated.

Also, does anyone know if this school is still active? If so, who is currently the head, and where is it practiced? (contact information would be a bonus) Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it greatly.

18th January 2007, 12:03
柳剛流 (剣、薙刀、居合、柔、棒、杖 )
祖は岡田総右衛門寄良(奇良・希良)。一に総右衛門、十内と称す。明和二年三月十五日、武州葛飾郡惣新田に生まれた。はじめ新形刀流を伊庭軍兵衛真保の門人大河原有膳有曲に学び、各地を遍歴して三和無敵流四代広沢 源右衛門長喜に従学し、さらに当流( 山本流 )を学び、相手の臑(すね)を斬ること(跳び斬りという)をはじめて一流を創始した。古歌の (根をしめて風にまかする柳見よ、なびく技には雪折れもなし)の意によって柳剛流と号した。幕府の親藩(御三卿の一)一橋家の師範となり、また神田お玉ガ池に道場を建てた。 文政九年九月二十四日死去、六十三歳。  牛込の幸国寺に葬る。陸前角田郡の一条馬之介信忠が、二代目を継いで岡田姓を名乗った。作馬之介は磐城国伊具郡桜村の人。 はじめ同郡角田の館善内に学び、次いで岡田総右衛門に柳剛流を学んだ。 柳剛流二代目を 継いでから帰郷し、角田の石川家演武場師範泉富次らが、遺徳碑を角田長泉寺の前に建てている (「仙台大人名辞書」 「松坂と剣道」)。 仙台他方・三河・伊勢等にひろくおこなわれ、私が小年時代に神戸市で学んだ柳剛流などは、播州竜野藩伝の終未期のもので、もはや脚防具 (レガーズ)も用いず脚を薙ぐこ ともなかったけれど、竹刀で相手の脚元の道場の床板を、ひどい音を立てて乱打し、相手の動転に乗じて直ぐに入身にとびこむような荒っぽいやり方であった。
(武芸流派大辞典 -昭和五十三年- 1978 Version - p. 911-912).

 There were classes still being taught in Kobe when the writer was a child, and was described as being fairly widespread then both in Sendai and more central areas..Although he describes it as rough training, use of strong attacks to the legs and no protection for the strikes..
I tried a search on Yahoo.co.jp but got nothing worth chasing..And I haven't seen the Ryugo Ryu at any demos in the Kanto areas or Okayama, they may still be here, but they do not seem to have a presence in the various organisations that the koryu are associated with.
Sounds like a hell of class though...Good luck with anything else you find.

Gusta in Japan
18th January 2007, 13:16
I think this is not what you are looking for

Sensie Nobu has been training in KobuJutsu and Karate since 1968. He holds the rank of 6th Dan in KobuJutsu and 5th Dan in Karate. His Karate styles include Ryugo-ryu, Magai-ryu, Yamani-ryu, Shito-ryu and Shorin-ryu.

27th January 2007, 21:12
Thanks for the responses, guys.

I'm still actively looking for any information on this system. I guess I'll have to do additional research, the next time I'm in Japan. Mr. Sharples I'm curious as to where you found that information. I have come across it before, but haven't been able to source it. Any chance you know where it's from? Who the author, mentioned in the paragraph, is?

Thanks again.

27th January 2007, 23:30
As listed, the source was the Bugei Ryuha Daijiten ( 武芸流派大辞典 ), 1978 edition. The writers were Watatani Kiyoshi and Yamada Tadashi, it is not stated who wrote the statement about the Ryugo-ryu, but I would suggest that it was Mr. Watatani.
My regards.

30th January 2007, 17:53
There are two old documents that list Ryugo Ryu.

The first is Bujutsu Eimeiroku published in 1860 and the Teikoku Bujutsu Eimeiroku published in 1888.

Both documents list the number of notable swordsmen from sword traditions:
Bujutsu Eimeiroku lists 474 names
Teikoku Bujutsu Eimeiroku lists 1746 names

among the listed schools are:
Ryugo Ryu
Hokushin Itto Ryu
Kogen Itto Ryu
Shindo Munen Ryu
Tenshin Rishin Ryu
Kyoshin Meichi Ryu
Kuruma Ryu

and several more traditions, but these are the traditions that would would help shape coming era.

In the Bujutsu Eimeiroku Hokushin Itto Ryu has the most notables 135 of the roughly

The Teikoku Bujutsu Eimeiroku Shindo Munen Ryu has the most 615-618 notables roughly

some of the names are BIG !!! examples are:
Okada Jumatsu (4th soke of Shindo Munen Ryu)
Saitou Yakurou (5th soke of Shindo Munen Ryu and Kengo)
Chiba Shusaku Narimasa (Hokushin Itto Ryu Soke and Kengo)
Momonoi Shunzo (Kyoshin Meichi Ryu Kengo)
and several more...

Although it does not discribe Ryugo Ryu, it is safe to say it is a sword Ryu-ha worth mention.

hope this helps

Jeff Karinja