View Full Version : Announcing Go Ju-Ryu Dojo SoCal

Steve Wallisa
19th February 2007, 19:35
There is a new dojo open in Temecula, Ca. studying traditional Okinawan Go Ju-Ryu and Kobudo being taught by Michael Sataki Sensei. For a brief history on Sataki Sensei or on Go Ju-Ryu please visit this website.


Prince Loeffler
19th February 2007, 19:38
There is a new dojo open in Temecula, Ca. studying traditional Okinawan Go Ju-Ryu and Kobudo being taught by Michael Sataki Sensei. For a brief history on Sataki Sensei or on Go Ju-Ryu please visit this website.


Congrat ! Good to see another Okinawan Karate breathens in the neighborhood.

21st February 2007, 20:44
sounds like "O" Sensei is still alive. I thought THe "O" was for those that
have passed. But then again it maybe because he trained with all those
"O" Sensei. Odd form of addressing ones self.
thank you
bill steigner

Steve Wallisa
21st February 2007, 21:26
That question could be better answered by Sataki Sensei himself so if you would like to email him I'm sure he would be happy to explain this to you.

21st February 2007, 22:53
Thank you Mr Wallias i have sent an e-mail to Mr. Sataki as you suggested
and ask him to also copy you on his answer to me so you could post it here
or that he could post the answer directly to E-Budo if he choose to.
awaiting his answer.

thank you
bill steigner

Steve Wallisa
22nd February 2007, 18:10
Thank you William, that was the right thing to do. I wasn't sure of the formalities of using the prefix O'. Except in describing something larger than average such as o'tachi etc.