View Full Version : Kotō-ryū

George Kohler
8th March 2007, 21:14
Provided by Eric Weil

Kotō-ryū (koppō)
Koppōjutsu no Kigen-wa kodai Chūgoku-ni aru to ii, Kotō-ryū wa Kōrai no Chō Bushō ga waga kuni-ni tsutae, ato-ni Iga-ryū ninjutsu no uchi ni dentō suru-ni itari, chūkō-wa Tenmon-nenkan, Toda Sakyō Isshinsai kara Momochi Sandayū ni denshō shita to iu (Toda Shinryûken kuden). Nao gōhō-no-jō, oyobi Gyokko-ryū wo sanshō.

Koppōjutsu was originated in ancient China. Chō Bushō of Kōrai brought Kotō-ryū to Japan. Later, Kotō-ryū went into Iga-ryū ninjutsu. According to the oral tradition provided by Toda Shinryūken, sometime around 1532, it was succeeded from Toda Sakyō Isshinsai to Momochi Sandayū.

See also, gōhō-no-jō and Gyokko-ryū.

If anyone can provide the kanji please send me a PM.

George Kohler
10th March 2007, 01:53
Thanks to Syd Sked for the kanji.

骨法術の起源は古代中国にあるといい、虎倒流は高麗の長武勝が我が国に伝え、後に伊賀流忍術のうちに伝統するに至り、中興は天文年間、戸田左京一心斎から百地三太夫に伝承したという(戸田真竜口伝)、 なお強法の条 、および玉虎流を参照。

10th March 2007, 18:35

Jang Museung of Korea.

2nd August 2007, 08:21

Jang Museung of Korea.

Actually it would be Zhang Wu Sheng of Goguryeo (Korai, the northern kingdom of the 3 ancient kingdoms of what is now Korea), he was Chinese, not proto-Korean according to sources. Other sources say he was under the kingdom of Baekje/Paekje (Kudara, south western kingdom) and escaped to Iga.

Should all be taken as legend of course!