View Full Version : Another interesting site

Joseph Svinth
17th June 2000, 11:09
Hey, this time I'll even post the URL!

The June 2000 issue of Marine Corps Gazette contains three separate articles discussing the use of non-lethal weapons during Low Intensity Conflict/Operations Other Than War, plus two additional articles discussing related issues such as ethics and preventing atrocities. Personally, I especially liked the one on ethics, where Major Gary Lehmann noted that in many cases "senior officers knew about these leadership failures and chose not to deal with them, or they failed to properly supervise their subordinates and remained ignorant of reality."

Single issues of Gazette cost $3.00 and annual subscriptions cost $23 (civilians and officers) or $17 (enlisted). Copies of back issues are also available, and I strongly encourage you to request a copy of the non-lethal weapons insert that was included in the June 1999 issue. For further information, visit http://www.mca-marines.org

While on that site, also check out the Tactical Decision Games, which change monthly. While most games describe company and platoon activities during wartime, increasing numbers relate to squad and platoon activities during Low Intensity Conflict/Operations Other Than War.

Finally, don't overlook the Commandant's Reading List.

Joe http://ejmas.com

[This message has been edited by Joseph Svinth (edited 06-17-2000).]

Joseph Svinth
18th June 2000, 07:43
If you liked that article, also check some of the links posted in the "Announcement" section at the Journal of Non-lethal Combatives site at http://ejmas.com

Okay, plug, plug, you say, but seriously, there are some interesting sites listed there. For example, see "What Price Sticky Foam," by Martin N. Stanton, at http://carlisle-www.army.mil/usawc/parameters/96autumn/stanton.htm For additional discussion of non-lethal weapons, see Robert J. Bunker, "Non-lethal Weapons: Terms and References," http://www.usafa.af.mil/inss/ocp15.htm

Contributors include the late Rex Applegate and the paper contains an extensive bibliography.

Joe http://ejmas.com

[This message has been edited by Joseph Svinth (edited 06-18-2000).]

Joseph Svinth
21st June 2000, 08:28
Popie --

If you'd like to discuss stuff you found on those sites, go for it, that's why I post the stuff. I'd recommend CQB as the appropriate forum for discussion, as that's where the most former and serving LEOs and security personnel lurk.

C. Park
21st June 2000, 21:32
I think the use of NLW is step in the right direction. Regardless of the degrees of effectiveness or possible risks involved, the main thing is that with enough interest the development of NLW will continue to advance.

Being familiar in the development of doctrines and implementation of tactical training, I've noticed the popularity of "Special/Rapid/Response- units." Today even rural towns are forming SW/RR teams. Most prisons, including the privately run facilities, use response teams to handle situations from cell extractions to full-scale riots.

The quality of personnel in some of these units, although they may be the best available to an organization, is very questionable.

With the further development of Non-Lethal Weapons and Tactics, I hope that the number of fatal "oversite" lessen.

The technology has come a long way. It is far cry from when NLW meant carrying an 21 inch ASP baton on maritime search/seizure operations about a decade ago.