View Full Version : verbal deescalation

will szlemko
28th May 2000, 22:27
Hi all,

I am trying to put together a guide for verbal deescalation for our school, since this seems to be an often overlooked part of training. Does anyone have ideas, suggestions, or referances? I have a fair amount of material already but am always looking for more info as well as to refine what I have.


29th May 2000, 10:30
Hi Will !
I have a book that might help you. It is not exactly about verbal escalation but about dangerous situations in general. A part of it deal with deescalation but there you´ll find a lot of other interesting stuff also.
It is "The gift of fear" by Gavin de Becker. the ISBN of my versoin is : 0 440 22619 8. Try this. It might help you. And when not there is a long list of further reading books. Check this also.

Karsten Helmholz
Bujinkan Dôjô Flensburg

Jeff Cook
29th May 2000, 15:07
I have extensive successful experience with de-escalation techniques (going on 8 years as a high-risk security consultant); if you like, email me with your questions.

Jeff Cook

Joe Long
29th May 2000, 20:43
The book "Verbal Judo", by an ex-street-cop, is excellent, and I heard somewhere that he has some sort of additional curriculum that goes with it now...Terry Dobson's "Giving In to Get Your Way" is a culturally dated (love those '70's!) but still very valuable book - however, it relies heavily on aikido metaphors, while the "Verbal Judo" book doesn't rely too heavily on a specific style's background. It's also funnier.