View Full Version : The season for cloudy sake

Harold James
29th January 2001, 01:27
I thought I would make a recomendation to you sake lovers out there.

It's the time of the year when we can buy nigorizake (cloudy sake) in Japan.Nigorizake is semi-unfiltered sake. While on the shelf, the kasu (dregs) settle to the bottom and the clear sake remains above.The larger peices of rice and koji are filtered out by large weave sacks leaving the small peices that settle and look like snow.Maybe that's why it is popular during the winter.

The yeast is still active so it must be drank cold. If you let the bottle get warm and then open it, you might have more sake on the floor than in your cup.

Shake the bottle gently so all the kasu is mixed into the sake, (don't worry, it's not fermented if it's been kept cold) which should look like milk after it's mixed.

Careful, it tends to be a little thicker and stronger than regular sake depending on the brand.

If you have some of the sakekasu left in the bottom of the bottle, use it in miso and tonjiru soup.

I don't know if it is easy to get outside of Japan, but if you have the chance to try it, I reccomend it.

11th February 2001, 04:56
(and it sounds much better than my poor attempts at homebrewed sake) Haven't been able to source Nigorizake on the web. Does anyone else have suggestions for how to get it here in the 'States?

Be well,

Neil Yamamoto
11th February 2001, 08:36
Just go to the Momokawa website, I believe it is Sakeone.com or do a search on your browser. You can order the Pearl, which is the unfiltered sake on line.